Green Pigment

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 5/20/23 8:52:56 AM
Search Category: Dyes | Item Category: Dye | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

28 Nine Ivies, The Black Shroud Region: East Shroud
28 Bentbranch, The Black Shroud Region: Central Shroud
28 Nine Ivies, The Black Shroud Region: East Shroud
28 Bentbranch, The Black Shroud Region: Central Shroud

170 184 184 144 150 14,485 100 1.70

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Green Pigment on Primal

Behemoth 73 115 0 73 388 71 357 1,554 4 6/26/23 5:49:10 AM
Excalibur 226 58 0 226 160 -82 208 18,408 115 6/23/23 6:27:20 AM
Exodus 315 60 0 315 513 -171 100 28,259 55 6/7/23 4:58:39 AM
Famfrit 236 378 0 236 183 -92 200 12,691 69 6/20/23 12:56:18 AM
Hyperion 100 288 0 100 171 44 25 46,396 270 5/22/24 1:49:28 PM
Lamia 200 348 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 6/20/23 3:22:35 PM
Leviathan 100 375 0 100 157 44 71 34,678 220 10/17/22 3:56:44 PM
Ultros 184 170 0 184 144 -40 150 14,485 100 5/20/23 8:52:56 AM