Avenger Grips

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 6/16/22 1:20:31 AM
Search Category: Weapon Parts | Item Category: Part | Sell price to vendor: 21
More Information

Gathering info:

35 1,470 1,626 1,470 1,438 1,555 12,945 9 3.90

Level 50 Blacksmith Recipe for Avenger Grips

Fire Cluster 1 66 66 2/23/25 6:58:41 AM
Earth Cluster 1 57 57 2/22/25 3:24:41 AM
Darksteel Ingot 1 3,997 3,997 10/12/24 6:06:38 PM
Rose Gold Nugget 2 780 1,560 4/19/24 7:08:18 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,680

Profit/Loss Normal = -4,180

Profit/Loss HQ = -3,725

50 Avengers

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Avenger Grips on Primal

Behemoth 749 27 989 749 720 689 1,000 10,809 15 7/28/21 7:23:25 PM
Excalibur 3,035 22 3,035 4,200 2,182 -1,597 2,495 21,820 10 4/18/23 3:37:05 PM
Exodus 2,520 15 2,520 4,095 1,949 -1,082 1,989 19,498 10 6/27/23 4:35:48 PM
Famfrit 1,770 25 1,770 1,775 1,383 -332 1,399 8,299 6 6/6/23 11:56:48 PM
Hyperion 2,100 6 2,622 2,100 1,475 -662 1,800 10,330 7 6/10/23 5:40:54 AM
Lamia 1,910 32 1,910 2,037 1,160 -472 1,500 6,965 6 6/7/23 3:39:26 PM
Leviathan 2,415 12 2,415 2,415 0 0 0 0 0 6/26/23 3:29:54 PM
Ultros 1,470 35 1,626 1,470 1,438 -32 1,555 12,945 9 6/16/22 1:20:31 AM