Crowned Pie

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 2/6/25 3:09:07 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

357 99 5,000 99 5,511 8,000 110,232 20 17.90

Level 48 Culinarian Recipe for Crowned Pie

Fire Shard 6 60 360 10/12/24 6:25:53 PM
Cinnamon 1 259 259 10/12/24 6:28:59 PM
Almonds 1 45 45 1/14/23 10:53:33 PM
Maple Sugar 1 99 99 2/26/23 7:30:27 AM
Pie Dough 1 2 2 12/3/22 6:17:14 AM
Tiny Crown 1 300 300 2/6/25 3:09:09 AM
Mirror Apple 1 9 9 1/14/23 10:47:04 PM
Water Shard 6 55 330 10/12/24 6:24:52 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,404

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,305

Profit/Loss HQ = 3,596

Desynthesizes into:

Mirror Apple
Fire Shard
Water Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Crowned Pie on Primal

Behemoth 4,500 89 7,897 4,500 4,613 1,011 7,900 96,879 21 10/11/24 4:13:34 PM
Excalibur 110 118 9,345 110 4,650 5,401 8,900 120,923 26 2/22/23 8:26:30 PM
Exodus 1,999 71 9,000 1,999 4,681 3,512 7,500 121,713 26 10/1/22 4:21:51 PM
Famfrit 683 66 19,949 683 15,334 4,828 18,999 76,671 5 2/20/23 7:46:48 PM
Hyperion 500 184 3,500 500 1,736 5,011 3,730 92,010 53 9/10/22 7:16:05 AM
Lamia 212 130 4,200 212 2,228 5,299 3,500 15,600 7 2/22/23 2:58:19 PM
Leviathan 515 84 6,299 515 1,081 4,996 800 14,060 13 2/22/23 9:02:04 PM
Ultros 99 357 5,000 99 5,511 5,412 8,000 110,232 20 2/6/25 3:09:07 AM