Diadochos Bottoms of Casting

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 10/4/23 7:29:49 AM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 650
More Information

Gathering info:

6 312,377 312,377 235,553 297,428 4,004,403 17 0.40

Level 90 Weaver Recipe for Diadochos Bottoms of Casting

Wind Cluster 3 150 450 4/19/24 7:11:59 AM
Lightning Cluster 3 158 474 9/13/23 4:52:16 PM
AR-Caean Velvet 1 562 562 10/8/23 1:30:25 AM
Earthbreak Aethersand 2 1,248 2,496 10/4/23 1:59:12 PM
Garnet Cotton 3 15,540 46,620 9/20/23 11:55:44 PM
Deinosuchus Leather 2 10,000 20,000 10/28/23 3:13:53 AM
Grade 8 Intelligence Alkahest 2 14,000 28,000 8/4/23 9:58:24 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 98,602

Profit/Loss Normal = -73,602

Profit/Loss HQ = 379,672

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Diadochos Bottoms of Casting on Primal

Excalibur 327,804 25 327,804 0 315,153 -92,251 315,081 1,575,766 5 9/13/23 3:59:57 AM
Exodus 98,686 13 98,686 0 98,897 136,867 98,689 1,977,945 20 5/5/24 12:04:53 AM
Famfrit 769,999 7 769,999 0 567,154 -534,446 769,960 11,343,097 20 5/30/23 8:03:46 AM
Leviathan 86,645 20 86,645 0 118,582 148,908 87,815 3,676,055 31 1/4/24 2:35:56 AM
Ultros 312,377 6 312,377 0 235,553 -76,824 297,428 4,004,403 17 10/4/23 7:29:49 AM