Diadochos Headband of Fending

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 9/8/23 6:37:00 PM
Search Category: Head | Item Category: Head | Sell price to vendor: 390
More Information

Gathering info:

18 124,628 124,628 116,168 124,631 2,323,378 20 0.90

Level 90 Weaver Recipe for Diadochos Headband of Fending

Wind Cluster 3 150 450 4/19/24 7:11:59 AM
Lightning Cluster 3 158 474 9/13/23 4:52:16 PM
AR-Caean Velvet 1 562 562 10/8/23 1:30:25 AM
Earthbreak Aethersand 1 1,248 1,248 10/4/23 1:59:12 PM
Garnet Cotton 2 15,540 31,080 9/20/23 11:55:44 PM
Deinosuchus Leather 1 10,000 10,000 10/28/23 3:13:53 AM
Grade 8 Vitality Alkahest 2 0 0

Total Price to Craft 1 : 43,814

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 180,665

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Diadochos Headband of Fending on Primal

Behemoth 115,499 8 115,499 0 111,987 669 111,987 559,939 5 9/13/23 12:56:39 AM
Excalibur 242,669 14 242,669 499,275 243,563 -126,501 231,114 4,871,267 20 10/7/23 7:03:03 AM
Exodus 174,832 19 174,832 0 272,735 -58,664 174,834 5,454,701 20 6/21/24 1:37:57 AM
Famfrit 65,518 17 65,518 0 70,298 50,650 65,524 3,585,220 51 5/3/24 6:58:23 PM
Hyperion 182,963 12 182,963 0 183,382 -66,795 183,132 3,667,644 20 2/1/24 3:08:14 AM
Lamia 69,902 14 69,902 0 83,938 46,266 69,902 1,678,778 20 6/14/24 10:16:33 PM
Leviathan 62,910 13 62,910 0 69,223 53,258 65,919 2,838,181 41 1/3/24 4:30:49 PM
Ultros 124,628 18 124,628 0 116,168 -8,460 124,631 2,323,378 20 9/8/23 6:37:00 PM