Grade 7 Mind Alkahest

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 2/28/23 11:45:59 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 32
More Information

Gathering info:

86 145 263 145 87 80 1,221 14 6.10

Level 90 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 7 Mind Alkahest

Lightning Cluster 3 158 474 9/13/23 4:52:16 PM
Water Cluster 3 83 249 1/15/23 3:21:20 AM
Tiger Lily 1 420 420 3/3/23 10:49:28 AM
Moonlight Aethersand 1 449 449 8/4/23 5:19:54 PM
Ambrosial Water 1 142 142 6/25/24 7:12:52 AM
Ash Diatomite 1 31 31 5/24/23 10:56:59 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,765

Profit/Loss Normal = -558

Profit/Loss HQ = -574

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Grade 7 Mind Alkahest on Primal

Behemoth 838 79 2,363 838 732 -751 780 21,249 29 2/28/23 10:15:50 PM
Excalibur 82 37 199 82 674 5 98 27,668 41 4/12/23 6:39:55 AM
Exodus 298 107 2,499 298 1,109 -211 430 46,601 42 2/26/23 10:02:09 PM
Famfrit 410 44 2,663 410 860 -323 200 9,469 11 2/26/23 2:37:44 PM
Hyperion 10 57 86 10 98 77 98 196 2 2/9/24 3:15:39 PM
Lamia 39 289 500 39 805 48 43 14,507 18 4/29/23 12:44:45 PM
Leviathan 490 110 1,899 490 2,217 -403 1,494 161,866 73 11/3/22 2:47:34 AM
Ultros 145 86 263 145 87 -58 80 1,221 14 2/28/23 11:45:59 AM