Enchanted Manganese Ink

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 6/25/24 7:13:08 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

116 4,999 4,999 6,200 4,555 6,300 195,889 43 2.70

Level 87 Alchemist Recipe for Enchanted Manganese Ink

Water Crystal 8 35 280 10/2/24 1:30:21 PM
Manganese Ore 4 197 788 2/9/25 4:38:29 AM
Petalouda Scales 1 565 565 2/7/25 11:28:37 PM
Ambrosial Water 1 334 334 2/8/25 5:54:52 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,967

Profit/Loss Normal = 4,233

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,477

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Enchanted Manganese Ink on Primal

Behemoth 1,045 329 2,090 1,045 2,230 3,510 985 149,448 67 2/28/23 6:02:36 AM
Excalibur 1,008 161 2,625 1,008 1,061 3,547 899 5,307 5 9/13/23 10:28:53 AM
Exodus 315 322 5,257 315 0 0 0 0 0 3/8/23 12:59:34 AM
Famfrit 1,490 238 0 1,490 2,041 3,065 1,499 61,248 30 12/8/23 11:33:01 AM
Hyperion 2,845 149 7,900 2,845 2,686 1,710 2,830 128,928 48 6/20/24 2:20:51 AM
Lamia 2,100 258 5,150 2,100 2,297 2,455 2,299 153,938 67 2/19/23 10:51:34 PM
Leviathan 2,099 55 8,399 2,099 2,378 2,456 2,000 11,893 5 3/6/23 7:54:33 AM
Ultros 4,999 116 4,999 6,200 4,555 -444 6,300 195,889 43 6/25/24 7:13:08 AM