Integral Lumber

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 3/11/23 6:59:36 AM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 12
More Information

Gathering info:

669 3,780 3,780 4,200 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 88 Carpenter Recipe for Integral Lumber

Wind Crystal 8 50 400 10/2/24 1:27:38 PM
Integral Log 5 102 510 7/17/23 4:39:18 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 910

Profit/Loss Normal = 590

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,089

90 Rarefied Integral Fishing Rod
90 Rarefied Chondrite Lapidary Hammer
90 Pactmaker's Cross-pein Hammer
90 Pactmaker's Raising Hammer
90 Pactmaker's Needle
90 Pactmaker's Pickaxe
90 Pactmaker's Hatchet
90 Pactmaker's File
90 Pactmaker's Pliers
90 Pactmaker's Mortar
90 Pactmaker's Culinary Knife
90 Classic Dresser
90 Kweh-kweh Clock
90 Eastern Canopy Bed
90 Luminous Wooden Loft
90 Swinging-door Counter
90 Trick Bookshelf Partition
90 Bluefeather Astrolabos
90 Raised Wooden Deck
90 Rinascita Bracelet of Fending
90 Rinascita Bracelet of Slaying
90 Rinascita Bracelet of Aiming
90 Rinascita Bracelet of Healing
90 Rinascita Bracelet of Casting
90 Rinascita Ring of Fending
90 Rinascita Ring of Slaying
90 Rinascita Ring of Aiming
90 Rinascita Ring of Healing
90 Rinascita Ring of Casting
90 Hanging Planter Branch
90 Wondrous Windoor
90 Tatami Loft
90 Sharlayan Sink
90 Korpokkur Chronometer
90 Natural Wooden Beam
90 Bamboo Fence
90 Camping Furniture
90 Connoisseur's Marimba
90 Connoisseur's Bench
90 Connoisseur's Leather Sofa
90 Toy Cooking Set
90 Waterfall Partition
90 Diadochos Shoes of Striking
90 Diadochos Shoes of Scouting
90 Diadochos Ring of Fending
90 Diadochos Ring of Slaying
90 Diadochos Ring of Aiming
90 Diadochos Ring of Healing
90 Diadochos Ring of Casting
90 Connoisseur's Bookshelf
90 Short Pillar Bookshelf
90 Imitation Closed Door
90 Country Swing Seat
90 Portaled Partition
91 Lar Cane
91 Lar Rod
91 Mountain Chromite Blade
90 Reed Scythe
90 Reed Scythe
90 Reed Scythe
90 Handcrafted Cover Components
90 Handcrafted Cover Components
90 Handcrafted Cover Components
88 Chondrite Magitek Sword
88 Chondrite Magitek Baghnakhs
88 Integral Magitek Spear
88 Integral Magitek Bow
88 Integral Magitek Cane
88 Integral Magitek Rod
89 Chondrite Magitek Shield
88 Ophiotauroskin Boots of Maiming
88 Ophiotauroskin Boots of Striking
88 Ophiotauroskin Boots of Aiming
89 Chondrite Sollerets of Scouting
88 Ophiotauroskin Boots of Healing
88 Ophiotauroskin Boots of Casting
90 Classical Spear
90 Classical Cavalry Bow
90 Classical Cane
90 Classical Longpole
90 Chondrite Saw
90 Chondrite Cross-pein Hammer
90 Chondrite Raising Hammer
90 Chondrite Lapidary Hammer
90 Chondrite Round Knife
90 Chondrite Bomb Frypan
90 Chondrite Pickaxe
90 Chondrite Hatchet
90 Integral Fishing Rod
89 Chondrite Claw Hammer
90 Integral Grinding Wheel
89 Chondrite Awl
90 Integral Spinning Wheel
89 Chondrite Mortar
89 Chondrite Culinary Knife
89 Chondrite Sledgehammer
89 Chondrite Garden Scythe
90 Ophiotauroskin Workboots of Crafting
90 Ophiotauroskin Boots of Gathering
89 Integral Earrings of Crafting
89 Integral Necklace of Crafting
89 Integral Bracelet of Crafting
89 Integral Ring of Crafting
89 Ophiotauroskin Earrings of Gathering
89 Ophiotauroskin Necklace of Gathering
89 Ophiotauroskin Wristband of Gathering
89 Ophiotauroskin Ring of Gathering
88 Aetherial Conductor
88 Aetherial Conductor
88 Aetherial Conductor
89 Rarefied Integral Armillae
89 Rarefied Chondrite Culinary Knife
90 Trophy of Eternal Darkness
90 Trophy of Divine Light

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Integral Lumber on Primal

Behemoth 1,500 542 2,294 1,500 2,010 -1,500 1,450 464,378 231 10/28/24 4:43:13 PM
Excalibur 748 901 2,394 748 1,293 -748 1,500 787,515 609 2/1/24 6:14:27 AM
Exodus 1,269 1,140 2,310 1,269 0 0 0 0 0 3/7/23 10:00:00 PM
Famfrit 500 1,578 1,250 500 1,003 -500 800 343,031 342 6/25/24 1:13:50 PM
Hyperion 1,300 740 1,500 1,300 2,021 -1,300 12 602,399 298 2/9/25 4:18:10 PM
Lamia 1,029 1,454 1,995 1,029 1,389 -1,029 1,280 86,152 62 9/13/23 6:14:54 AM
Leviathan 1,300 1,023 2,875 1,300 1,033 -1,300 1,200 240,716 233 2/1/24 6:08:46 AM
Ultros 3,780 669 3,780 4,200 0 0 0 0 0 3/11/23 6:59:36 AM