Aesthete's Frypan

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 6/10/23 5:51:29 AM
Search Category: Culinarian's Tools | Item Category: Culinarian's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

4 94,500 94,500 90,000 90,000 450,000 5 0.80

Level 80 Armorer Recipe for Aesthete's Frypan

Ice Cluster 2 38 76 2/23/25 6:58:28 AM
Earth Cluster 2 57 114 2/22/25 3:24:41 AM
Cobalt Alloy Ingot 5 187 935 2/28/23 6:22:28 PM
Purpure Bead 2 247 494 5/1/23 5:44:54 AM
Brashgold Plate 3 8,285 24,855 6/15/23 3:12:56 AM
Slithersand 3 8,820 26,460 2/27/23 8:12:29 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 52,934

Profit/Loss Normal = 22,066

Profit/Loss HQ = 47,066

Desynthesizes into:

Purpure Bead
Ice Cluster
Earth Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Aesthete's Frypan on Primal

Behemoth 99,990 7 99,990 0 162,958 -9,990 99,990 1,792,545 11 12/24/21 11:36:43 AM
Excalibur 145,998 11 145,998 0 226,458 -55,998 140,000 4,529,169 20 11/6/21 5:50:40 PM
Exodus 167,996 2 167,996 0 89,332 -77,996 167,996 267,996 3 4/4/22 11:05:25 PM
Famfrit 328,876 3 328,876 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/9/23 12:41:25 AM
Hyperion 47,345 4 47,345 0 41,686 42,655 40,000 125,060 3 6/14/22 12:19:36 PM
Lamia 224,700 1 224,700 0 70,000 -134,700 70,000 140,000 2 6/14/22 12:39:30 PM
Leviathan 82,948 3 82,948 0 72,798 7,052 78,998 363,991 5 6/14/22 1:30:25 PM
Ultros 94,500 4 94,500 0 90,000 -4,500 90,000 450,000 5 6/10/23 5:51:29 AM