Tincture of Intelligence

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 6/10/22 2:53:39 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 95
More Information

Gathering info:

250 835 4,200 835 987 969 10,860 11 22.70

Level 80 Alchemist Recipe for Tincture of Intelligence

Lightning Crystal 7 26 182 10/2/24 1:29:13 PM
Water Crystal 7 35 245 10/2/24 1:30:21 PM
Fernleaf Lavender 2 400 800 8/13/22 7:58:44 PM
Underground Spring Water 1 499 499 1/31/25 11:24:32 PM
Cubus Flesh 2 382 764 2/17/25 6:30:27 AM
Chiaroglow Aethersand 1 195 195 6/27/23 6:49:17 AM
Scuroglow Aethersand 1 368 368 6/27/23 7:00:26 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,053

Profit/Loss Normal = 982

Profit/Loss HQ = -118

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Tincture of Intelligence on Primal

Behemoth 997 640 1,496 997 3,165 -10 4,999 47,480 15 4/18/22 8:56:06 PM
Excalibur 5,500 10 5,998 5,500 3,329 -4,513 5,998 462,836 139 7/2/22 2:14:58 AM
Exodus 6,000 65 10,000 6,000 8,651 -5,013 10,000 181,687 21 9/9/22 5:20:26 PM
Famfrit 380 120 5,000 380 3,114 607 5,000 71,640 23 1/7/23 12:32:57 PM
Hyperion 849 15 3,000 849 3,500 138 3,500 21,000 6 2/5/25 12:36:55 AM
Lamia 305 121 8,400 305 265 682 275 2,123 8 6/10/22 2:40:01 PM
Leviathan 1,523 20 15,745 1,523 0 0 0 0 0 3/8/23 5:50:13 PM
Ultros 835 250 4,200 835 987 152 969 10,860 11 6/10/22 2:53:39 PM