Maliferous Moggle Mogtana

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 6/1/23 6:10:04 AM
Search Category: Samurai's Arms | Item Category: Samurai's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 204
More Information

Gathering info:

9 157,499 157,499 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 50 Blacksmith Recipe for Maliferous Moggle Mogtana

Fire Cluster 2 66 132 2/23/25 6:58:41 AM
Earth Cluster 1 57 57 2/22/25 3:24:41 AM
Electrum Ingot 1 1,000 1,000 9/26/23 6:20:48 AM
Aqueous Whetstone 1 500 500 5/2/23 8:10:42 PM
Kingly Whisker 1 209 209 6/14/22 4:56:56 PM
Wolfram Ingot 3 3,725 11,175 9/24/23 2:25:00 AM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 10 614 6,140 10/4/23 4:48:52 PM
Demimog Demimateria 3 30,030 90,090 6/16/23 12:53:03 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 109,303

Profit/Loss Normal = 15,697

Profit/Loss HQ = -16,303

Desynthesizes into:

Wolfram Ingot
Fire Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Maliferous Moggle Mogtana on Primal

Behemoth 115,499 12 115,499 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/14/23 9:58:13 AM
Excalibur 136,471 2 136,471 0 120,984 -136,471 129,971 604,920 5 6/10/23 2:29:11 AM
Exodus 149,970 6 149,970 0 151,152 -149,970 149,918 1,209,220 8 6/19/22 2:49:36 AM
Famfrit 188,999 4 188,999 312,900 125,999 -188,999 179,999 377,999 3 6/18/23 3:54:05 AM
Hyperion 104,999 7 104,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/24/23 10:59:35 PM
Lamia 144,900 7 144,900 0 137,999 -144,900 137,999 137,999 1 6/11/23 6:51:25 AM
Leviathan 136,484 12 136,484 0 129,987 -136,484 129,991 259,975 2 5/29/23 9:26:36 PM
Ultros 157,499 9 157,499 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/1/23 6:10:04 AM