Hemiskin Grimoire

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 6/5/23 7:54:44 AM
Search Category: Arcanist's Arms | Item Category: Arcanist's Grimoire | Sell price to vendor: 535
More Information

Gathering info:

1 8,227 8,227 9,963 11,300 29,889 3 0.30

Level 60 Alchemist Recipe for Hemiskin Grimoire

Scintillant Ingot 2 110 220 1/18/23 4:16:47 PM
Hemicyon Leather 3 90 270 5/13/22 4:10:18 PM
Demicrystal 5 1,050 5,250 11/13/23 6:50:58 PM
Lightning Cluster 3 98 294 2/21/25 7:35:36 PM
Water Cluster 3 23 69 2/22/25 3:23:59 AM
Iolite 1 1,994 1,994 5/29/23 3:41:57 PM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 4 614 2,456 10/4/23 4:48:52 PM
Enchanted Platinum Ink 2 6,199 12,398 11/9/23 8:42:36 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 22,951

Profit/Loss Normal = -16,951

Profit/Loss HQ = -12,451

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Hemiskin Grimoire on Primal

Behemoth 12,599 4 42,000 12,599 20,000 -2,636 20,000 20,000 1 6/10/23 4:46:40 AM
Excalibur 9,500 6 9,500 23,000 5,262 463 4,550 42,099 8 7/29/23 8:01:51 AM
Exodus 9,921 5 9,921 9,974 13,789 42 15,000 27,579 2 6/22/23 10:57:59 PM
Famfrit 16,666 7 16,666 35,535 11,009 -6,703 17,000 77,069 7 8/20/21 10:16:18 PM
Hyperion 7,912 5 14,700 7,912 7,499 2,051 14,999 37,499 5 6/19/23 1:43:37 PM
Lamia 3,688 13 7,997 3,688 4,226 6,275 7,589 71,854 17 10/23/21 4:07:12 PM
Leviathan 9,975 5 10,498 9,975 4,500 -12 4,500 4,500 1 6/16/23 5:17:05 AM
Ultros 8,227 1 0 8,227 9,963 1,736 11,300 29,889 3 6/5/23 7:54:44 AM