High Mythrite Awl

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 12/7/20 3:09:36 AM
Search Category: Leatherworker's Tools | Item Category: Leatherworker's Secondary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 417
More Information

Gathering info:

2 80,000 200,000 80,000 151,486 200,000 454,459 3 0.70

Level 60 Blacksmith Recipe for High Mythrite Awl

Fire Cluster 3 60 180 2/22/25 3:26:34 AM
High Mythrite Ingot 3 3,727 11,181 2/27/23 9:59:45 PM
Luminous Fiber 3 5,449 16,347 4/27/23 11:51:52 PM
Earth Cluster 2 57 114 2/22/25 3:24:41 AM
Gold Ingot 1 7 7 5/22/23 4:18:47 AM
Cashmere Cloth 1 735 735 6/22/23 3:00:04 PM
Mastercraft Demimateria 1 19,984 19,984 1/28/23 2:50:44 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 48,548

Profit/Loss Normal = 26,452

Profit/Loss HQ = 16,452

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for High Mythrite Awl on Primal

Behemoth 450,459 1 450,459 0 450,459 -298,973 450,459 450,459 1 10/22/22 10:13:52 PM
Excalibur 145,450 1 145,450 0 145,450 6,036 145,450 145,450 1 3/17/22 9:58:01 PM
Exodus 364,000 2 364,000 0 332,000 -212,514 364,000 664,000 2 11/23/22 12:09:40 AM
Famfrit 200,459 1 200,459 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/24/23 4:03:11 AM
Hyperion 419,999 1 419,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/3/21 11:06:06 PM
Lamia 84,000 2 84,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/25/23 7:53:58 AM
Leviathan 149,000 2 149,000 0 148,459 2,486 148,459 296,918 2 1/1/22 5:39:02 AM
Ultros 80,000 2 200,000 80,000 151,486 71,486 200,000 454,459 3 12/7/20 3:09:36 AM