Galvanized Garlond Steel

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 2/23/23 2:37:52 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 21
More Information

Gathering info:

134 20,475 20,475 21,000 36,545 30,000 1,059,813 29 4.60

Level 60 Blacksmith Recipe for Galvanized Garlond Steel

Vivianite 3 995 2,985 1/23/23 9:58:56 PM
Sphalerite 2 995 1,990 4/23/24 3:31:00 PM
Fire Cluster 2 60 120 2/22/25 3:26:34 AM
Earth Cluster 2 57 114 2/22/25 3:24:41 AM
Cobalt Ore 2 260 520 10/12/24 6:02:23 PM
Coke 9 250 2,250 11/11/23 10:50:54 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,979

Profit/Loss Normal = 22,021

Profit/Loss HQ = 9,516

Level 60 Armorer Recipe for Galvanized Garlond Steel

Vivianite 3 995 2,985 1/23/23 9:58:56 PM
Sphalerite 2 995 1,990 4/23/24 3:31:00 PM
Ice Cluster 2 54 108 2/22/25 3:24:14 AM
Earth Cluster 2 57 114 2/22/25 3:24:41 AM
Cobalt Ore 2 260 520 10/12/24 6:02:23 PM
Coke 9 250 2,250 11/11/23 10:50:54 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,967

Profit/Loss Normal = 22,033

Profit/Loss HQ = 9,528

60 Viltgance Miniature

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Galvanized Garlond Steel on Primal

Behemoth 8,189 18 8,190 8,189 7,416 28,356 7,999 96,410 13 6/11/22 1:35:08 AM
Excalibur 12,463 35 12,492 12,463 0 0 0 0 0 3/6/23 6:56:57 AM
Exodus 11,495 22 11,495 12,000 6,000 25,050 6,000 6,000 1 3/4/23 5:18:57 PM
Famfrit 7,874 47 7,874 10,523 11,322 28,671 6,625 668,021 59 6/12/22 12:09:22 AM
Hyperion 29,999 134 29,999 29,999 27,477 6,546 28,000 439,639 16 1/2/23 11:57:54 PM
Lamia 13,766 65 13,766 19,634 24,000 22,779 26,000 144,000 6 10/21/22 5:55:57 PM
Leviathan 15,924 12 15,924 16,275 12,415 20,621 15,800 409,712 33 7/2/22 2:33:34 PM
Ultros 20,475 134 20,475 21,000 36,545 16,070 30,000 1,059,813 29 2/23/23 2:37:52 AM