Cloud Cloth

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 6/19/23 9:08:55 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

29 368 829 368 284 195 4,266 15 1.90

Level 60 Weaver Recipe for Cloud Cloth

Ramie Thread 1 840 840 2/28/23 4:54:12 AM
Cloud Cotton Boll 2 0 0 1/14/23 10:40:17 PM
Wind Cluster 1 16 16 2/21/25 7:34:45 PM
Lightning Cluster 2 98 196 2/21/25 7:35:36 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,052

Profit/Loss Normal = -552

Profit/Loss HQ = 447

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Cloud Cloth on Primal

Behemoth 313 44 313 315 360 -29 297 2,522 7 6/27/23 1:47:42 AM
Excalibur 525 13 840 525 441 -241 798 7,068 16 5/3/23 8:07:53 AM
Exodus 2,510 16 2,510 2,510 1,894 -2,226 2,399 18,944 10 6/3/23 1:03:13 PM
Famfrit 1,887 48 1,888 1,887 2,654 -1,603 1,903 26,548 10 5/24/23 1:37:04 PM
Hyperion 498 32 599 498 531 -214 500 3,188 6 2/13/24 1:09:42 AM
Lamia 244 71 244 260 239 40 239 719 3 6/22/23 3:36:25 AM
Leviathan 777 69 782 777 586 -493 750 4,690 8 6/1/23 5:57:50 AM
Ultros 368 29 829 368 284 -84 195 4,266 15 6/19/23 9:08:55 PM