Mahogany Partition Door

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 6/26/23 12:32:58 AM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

3 83,863 83,863 79,933 79,887 159,867 2 1.50

Level 40 Carpenter Recipe for Mahogany Partition Door

Ice Shard 4 71 284 10/12/24 6:26:01 PM
Wind Shard 5 50 250 10/12/24 6:25:31 PM
Brass Ingot 1 60 60 10/12/24 6:07:20 PM
Oak Lumber 4 200 800 10/12/24 6:33:05 PM
Mahogany Lumber 3 432 1,296 10/12/24 6:33:20 PM
Steel Hinge 1 500 500 11/9/23 8:44:30 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,190

Profit/Loss Normal = 31,811

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Oak Lumber
Wind Shard
Ice Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Mahogany Partition Door on Primal

Behemoth 64,050 7 0 64,050 0 0 0 0 0 1/24/24 6:35:10 AM
Excalibur 28,999 19 0 28,999 31,468 50,934 28,498 157,343 5 8/4/23 3:27:01 PM
Exodus 66,150 9 0 66,150 64,552 13,783 62,990 322,760 5 5/14/23 5:23:16 AM
Famfrit 18,400 10 0 18,400 19,447 61,533 19,009 136,132 7 5/19/23 4:46:01 PM
Hyperion 37,584 16 0 37,584 32,746 42,349 35,795 196,476 6 4/24/23 5:25:49 AM
Lamia 42,000 7 0 42,000 32,391 37,933 33,985 161,958 5 5/29/23 3:39:05 PM
Leviathan 18,900 30 0 18,900 18,743 61,033 19,989 74,973 4 6/1/23 2:39:15 PM
Ultros 83,863 3 0 83,863 79,933 -3,930 79,887 159,867 2 6/26/23 12:32:58 AM