Hollandaise Sauce

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 11/13/23 6:52:13 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

528 1,200 2,269 1,200 3,571 2,000 414,329 116 4.60

Level 55 Culinarian Recipe for Hollandaise Sauce

Gastornis Egg 1 8 8 2/18/23 7:42:49 AM
Heavens Lemon 1 84 84 6/23/23 10:55:54 PM
Fermented Butter 1 1,948 1,948 2/27/23 1:53:39 AM
Fire Shard 7 60 420 10/12/24 6:25:53 PM
Black Pepper 1 15 15 10/12/24 6:29:12 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,475

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,175

Profit/Loss HQ = 6,675

57 Royal Eggs
60 Stuffed Chysahl
78 Berube Feed
78 Berube Feed
56 Rarefied Royal Eggs

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Hollandaise Sauce on Primal

Behemoth 2,947 97 4,999 2,947 4,383 624 2,998 258,619 59 1/6/23 6:06:19 PM
Excalibur 803 148 803 1,000 2,429 2,768 2,303 94,736 39 12/3/22 3:00:45 PM
Exodus 1,053 26 3,149 1,053 1,036 2,518 1,000 57,009 55 2/20/23 5:15:20 AM
Famfrit 2,496 66 3,000 2,496 3,466 1,075 2,990 211,485 61 2/11/24 6:13:20 PM
Hyperion 2,222 156 2,222 2,500 1,199 1,349 1,105 107,932 90 2/6/22 4:27:16 AM
Lamia 5,998 137 9,995 5,998 5,331 -2,427 5,945 474,488 89 5/29/22 3:58:41 AM
Leviathan 3,875 86 3,875 7,875 4,954 -304 9,000 178,351 36 2/24/23 10:15:01 PM
Ultros 1,200 528 2,269 1,200 3,571 2,371 2,000 414,329 116 11/13/23 6:52:13 PM