Holy Rainbow Work Gloves

Server: Ultros

Last Updated: 6/24/23 3:20:22 AM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 95
More Information

Gathering info:

8 29,399 47,242 29,399 33,232 27,999 132,929 4 2.00

Level 53 Weaver Recipe for Holy Rainbow Work Gloves

Wind Crystal 3 50 150 10/2/24 1:27:38 PM
Lightning Crystal 4 26 104 10/2/24 1:29:13 PM
Wyvern Leather 1 1,475 1,475 5/22/23 5:24:24 PM
Holy Rainbow Cloth 2 5,131 10,262 9/17/23 1:09:56 AM
Rainbow Thread 1 317 317 9/21/23 6:17:47 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 12,308

Profit/Loss Normal = 9,691

Profit/Loss HQ = 13,690

Current Prices

Price History

Ultros Cross Server Data for Holy Rainbow Work Gloves on Primal

Behemoth 63,000 1 63,000 0 58,000 -29,768 58,000 58,000 1 4/27/23 5:59:27 PM
Excalibur 20,998 5 44,188 20,998 42,086 12,234 42,082 84,172 2 6/16/23 11:46:26 PM
Exodus 21,000 1 0 21,000 44,970 12,232 44,995 89,940 2 6/6/23 4:38:15 PM
Famfrit 59,997 3 59,997 0 55,000 -26,765 55,000 110,000 2 4/10/23 1:07:00 PM
Hyperion 35,437 3 35,437 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/6/23 12:25:45 AM
Lamia 36,744 5 94,499 36,744 34,344 -3,512 34,344 34,344 1 5/22/23 11:38:30 AM
Leviathan 45,000 3 45,000 0 38,615 -11,768 25,000 1,042,616 27 1/6/22 8:57:41 AM
Ultros 29,399 8 47,242 29,399 33,232 3,833 27,999 132,929 4 6/24/23 3:20:22 AM