Indagator's Necklace of Crafting

Server: Typhon

Last Updated: 3/5/23 11:57:40 AM
Search Category: Necklaces | Item Category: Necklace | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

9 118,406 118,406 114,110 113,665 456,442 4 2.20

Level 90 Carpenter Recipe for Indagator's Necklace of Crafting

Ice Cluster 5 11 55 6/16/22 1:57:10 AM
Wind Cluster 5 368 1,840 6/19/23 8:42:20 PM
Paldao Lumber 2 7,233 14,466 2/28/23 2:49:19 PM
Ilmenite Ingot 2 6,195 12,390 10/7/23 1:59:43 AM
Zoisite 2 11,550 23,100 10/5/23 6:24:35 AM
Gripgel 2 7,350 14,700 10/8/23 1:04:32 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 66,551

Profit/Loss Normal = -23,855

Profit/Loss HQ = 28,429

Current Prices

Price History

Typhon Cross Server Data for Indagator's Necklace of Crafting on Elemental

Aegis 67,511 22 78,677 67,511 0 0 0 0 0 3/10/23 4:59:32 AM
Atomos 90,000 100 90,000 0 90,000 24,110 90,000 1,800,000 20 5/12/23 4:05:09 AM
Carbuncle 86,730 9 86,730 94,500 69,981 27,380 70,000 349,908 5 2/19/23 2:37:28 PM
Gungnir 31,500 19 134,295 31,500 0 0 0 0 0 3/10/23 4:59:29 PM
Kujata 83,580 17 83,580 0 79,574 30,530 79,589 1,432,342 18 2/28/23 2:52:47 AM
Tonberry 101,430 12 101,430 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/11/23 2:58:07 AM
Typhon 118,406 9 118,406 0 114,110 -4,296 113,665 456,442 4 3/5/23 11:57:40 AM