Beet Soup

Server: Typhon

Last Updated: 6/25/23 5:48:35 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 12
More Information

Gathering info:

133 19 1,355 19 1,283 1,290 6,418 5 26.60

Level 54 Culinarian Recipe for Beet Soup

Loaghtan Chump 2 41 82 2/18/23 4:44:10 PM
Pearl Sprouts 2 158 316 6/25/23 4:07:17 AM
Mist Dill 2 126 252 6/10/22 2:21:26 AM
Magma Beet 2 2 4 6/16/21 2:24:37 AM
Sour Cream 1 389 389 6/16/22 6:59:54 AM
Abalathian Rock Salt 1 105 105 5/29/23 8:28:07 AM
Water Crystal 3 21 63 7/3/22 7:04:09 PM
Fire Crystal 4 31 124 7/3/22 7:03:45 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,335

Profit/Loss Normal = -390

Profit/Loss HQ = 845

60 Alpine Supper Set

Current Prices

Price History

Typhon Cross Server Data for Beet Soup on Elemental

Aegis 9 155 3,149 9 3,333 1,274 2,800 20,000 6 6/17/23 8:52:16 AM
Atomos 11 65 2,430 11 2,589 1,272 3,980 15,534 6 6/27/23 5:54:18 PM
Carbuncle 13 69 1,680 13 1,215 1,270 1,599 8,507 7 4/25/23 1:54:41 AM
Garuda 13 158 3,150 13 1,991 1,270 3,000 21,910 11 6/16/22 4:49:51 AM
Gungnir 32 143 1,050 32 1,156 1,251 1,500 5,780 5 5/6/23 6:42:55 AM
Kujata 37 137 37 41 1,637 1,246 3,900 31,110 19 5/27/23 8:39:14 AM
Tonberry 42 59 4,725 42 2,071 1,241 2,000 14,500 7 6/27/23 9:58:51 AM
Typhon 19 133 1,355 19 1,283 1,264 1,290 6,418 5 6/25/23 5:48:35 PM