Sohm Al Tart

Server: Typhon

Last Updated: 6/21/22 4:06:29 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 13
More Information

Gathering info:

68 199 2,222 199 698 700 24,438 35 1.90

Level 54 Culinarian Recipe for Sohm Al Tart

Highland Flour 2 189 378 6/18/21 7:24:14 AM
Dark Chestnut 3 189 567 4/22/23 2:41:55 PM
Water Crystal 3 21 63 7/3/22 7:04:09 PM
Maple Sugar 1 74 74 2/28/23 2:41:44 PM
Sweet Cream 1 53 53 6/15/22 4:31:59 PM
Fire Crystal 4 31 124 7/3/22 7:03:45 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,259

Profit/Loss Normal = -270

Profit/Loss HQ = 550

56 High House Supper Set
55 House Borel Tea Set

Current Prices

Price History

Typhon Cross Server Data for Sohm Al Tart on Elemental

Aegis 189 20 1,029 189 568 509 1,000 6,250 11 2/28/23 7:44:14 AM
Atomos 420 83 1,574 420 1,191 278 1,615 7,148 6 6/15/22 7:54:41 AM
Carbuncle 420 46 4,095 420 1,080 278 400 6,480 6 6/15/22 8:34:29 AM
Garuda 53 130 1,260 53 0 0 0 0 0 6/4/21 2:49:05 AM
Gungnir 178 180 900 178 324 520 900 12,005 37 11/1/21 10:34:24 AM
Kujata 808 39 1,800 808 803 -110 2,000 30,517 38 2/27/23 7:26:47 AM
Tonberry 178 67 700 178 266 520 798 23,492 88 8/16/22 2:09:43 PM
Typhon 199 68 2,222 199 698 499 700 24,438 35 6/21/22 4:06:29 PM