Raw Agate

Server: Typhon

Last Updated: 6/15/22 2:07:42 AM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

51 The Smoldering Wastes, Dravania Region: The Dravanian Forelands
51 The Smoldering Wastes, Dravania Region: The Dravanian Forelands

733 420 420 747 382 33,638 45 16.30
51 Agate

Current Prices

Price History

Typhon Cross Server Data for Raw Agate on Elemental

Aegis 525 182 0 525 0 0 0 0 0 4/6/23 12:59:02 PM
Atomos 105 1,623 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 4/3/23 8:44:30 AM
Carbuncle 105 958 0 105 300 642 300 15,600 52 6/25/23 1:41:18 AM
Garuda 314 184 0 314 484 433 450 40,204 83 6/11/22 9:29:59 AM
Gungnir 179 299 0 179 0 0 0 0 0 4/6/23 5:58:28 AM
Kujata 420 99 0 420 152 327 200 7,640 50 6/11/22 9:39:11 AM
Tonberry 205 221 0 205 550 542 700 102,300 186 4/26/23 9:05:32 AM
Typhon 420 733 0 420 747 327 382 33,638 45 6/15/22 2:07:42 AM