Hardsilver Nugget

Server: Typhon

Last Updated: 2/24/23 5:12:05 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

1499 415 578 415 470 550 36,678 78 19.20

Level 54 Goldsmith Recipe for Hardsilver Nugget

Wind Crystal 4 29 116 6/15/22 2:05:24 AM
Hardsilver Sand 5 221 1,105 9/23/23 4:58:31 PM
Silver Ore 1 84 84 2/24/23 9:56:29 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,305

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,005

Profit/Loss HQ = -417

54 Titanium Bastard Sword
54 Hardsilver Staff
55 Dhalmelskin Grimoire
55 Dhalmelskin Codex
55 Hardsilver Star Globe
54 Dhalmelskin Armguards of Striking
54 Dhalmelskin Armguards of Aiming
57 Dragonskin Boots of Aiming
54 Dhalmelskin Armguards of Scouting
54 Hardsilver Monocle of Healing
55 Dhalmelskin Crakows of Healing
57 Dragonskin Boots of Healing
54 Hardsilver Magnifiers of Casting
55 Dhalmelskin Crakows of Casting
57 Dragonskin Boots of Casting
55 Hardsilver Bangle of Fending
55 Hardsilver Earrings of Fending
55 Hardsilver Bangle of Slaying
55 Hardsilver Earrings of Slaying
55 Hardsilver Bangle of Aiming
55 Hardsilver Earrings of Aiming
55 Hardsilver Bangle of Healing
55 Hardsilver Earrings of Healing
55 Hardsilver Bangle of Casting
55 Hardsilver Earrings of Casting
55 Hardsilver Saw
55 Hardsilver Texture Hammer
54 Hardsilver Needle
54 Hardsilver Alembic
55 Hardsilver Dolabra
55 Dark Chestnut Fishing Rod
56 Cloud Mica Grinding Wheel
56 Ramie Doublet of Crafting
55 Dhalmelskin Bush Hat
56 Dhalmelskin Vest
56 Dragon Fang Earrings
55 Alpine Chair
55 Alpine Round Table
56 Hardsilver Ingot
60 Dispelling Arrow
60 Sky Pirate's Beret of Aiming
60 Sky Pirate's Gloves of Aiming
60 Sky Pirate's Halfslops of Aiming
60 Sky Pirate's Boots of Aiming
60 Sky Pirate's Coat of Healing
60 Sky Pirate's Gloves of Healing
60 Sky Pirate's Bottoms of Healing
60 Sky Pirate's Shoes of Healing
60 Sky Pirate's Coat of Casting
60 Sky Pirate's Gloves of Casting
60 Sky Pirate's Bottoms of Casting
60 Sky Pirate's Shoes of Casting
54 Hardsilver Rapier
56 Titanium Tachi
64 Hingan House Roof (Nanpu)
66 Hingan House Wall (Nanpu)
66 Hingan Door (Kura-zukuri)
61 Hingan Watchtower (Mokuzo)
66 Hingan Fence (Nanpu)
70 Mounted Cupboard
70 Mirific Mogshelf
55 Marimo Lamp
76 Sandteak Cane
76 Sandteak Rod
77 Zonureskin Grimoire
77 Zonureskin Codex
76 Titanbronze Star Globe
76 Titanbronze Uchigatana
76 Titanbronze Rapier
77 Titanbronze Tower Shield
77 Titanbronze Headgear of Fending
77 Titanbronze Headgear of Maiming
77 Ovim Wool Coat of Striking
76 Ovim Wool Tunic of Aiming
76 Titanbronze Headband of Scouting
76 Ovim Wool Bottoms of Scouting
77 Ovim Wool Coat of Healing
76 Ovim Wool Skirt of Healing
76 Ovim Wool Tunic of Casting
76 Ovim Wool Bottoms of Casting
54 Hunting Supplies
54 War Chest
68 Molybdenum Chakrams
78 Rarefied Titanbronze Tower Shield
56 Rarefied Hardsilver Monocle
78 Rarefied Titanbronze Headgear
78 Rarefied Ovim Wool Tunic
56 Rarefied Dhalmelskin Codex

Current Prices

Price History

Typhon Cross Server Data for Hardsilver Nugget on Elemental

Aegis 735 458 1,029 735 1,112 -265 950 214,667 193 3/2/23 12:59:14 PM
Atomos 342 818 520 342 336 128 305 20,215 60 3/4/23 6:58:33 AM
Carbuncle 315 1,055 419 315 412 155 370 52,792 128 2/28/23 4:43:12 PM
Garuda 525 456 735 525 0 0 0 0 0 2/24/23 6:45:10 PM
Gungnir 557 1,403 788 557 552 -87 529 73,510 133 2/25/23 10:28:17 PM
Kujata 1,050 117 1,050 1,050 999 -580 990 31,980 32 9/19/23 4:12:00 PM
Tonberry 630 4,347 683 630 0 0 0 0 0 10/4/23 6:56:18 AM
Typhon 415 1,499 578 415 470 55 550 36,678 78 2/24/23 5:12:05 AM