Padded Leather Duckbills

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 2/28/22 2:08:01 AM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 9
More Information

Gathering info:

3 800 9,900 800 2,985 2,810 23,885 8 0.40

Level 21 Leatherworker Recipe for Padded Leather Duckbills

Leather Duckbills 1 0 0 12/29/21 7:38:06 PM
Wind Shard 1 105 105 10/17/23 3:59:27 PM
Earth Shard 2 52 104 10/4/23 4:47:19 PM
Leather 1 1 1 8/31/23 6:22:25 AM
Undyed Cotton Cloth 1 103 103 9/16/23 7:54:10 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 313

Profit/Loss Normal = 6,186

Profit/Loss HQ = 29,687

Desynthesizes into:

Earth Shard
Wind Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Padded Leather Duckbills on Light

Lich 600 3 8,000 600 2,250 2,385 4,000 9,000 4 4/19/22 4:44:16 PM
Odin 12,600 2 0 12,600 9,450 -9,615 9,000 18,900 2 5/30/23 2:01:29 AM
Phoenix 8,000 1 0 8,000 4,938 -5,015 8,900 88,894 18 5/31/22 3:59:54 PM
Shiva 30,000 1 30,000 0 9,142 -27,015 4,000 64,000 7 12/9/22 4:20:05 PM
Zodiark 1,000 6 8,000 1,000 502 1,985 850 2,511 5 1/14/19 7:32:49 PM
Twintania 800 3 9,900 800 2,985 2,185 2,810 23,885 8 2/28/22 2:08:01 AM
Alpha 2,625 3 0 2,625 7,563 360 6,390 22,689 3 5/28/23 12:56:33 PM