Grade 5 Intelligence Alkahest

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 6/26/22 9:09:46 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 32
More Information

Gathering info:

490 200 1,100 200 306 200 48,110 157 3.10

Level 83 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 5 Intelligence Alkahest

Water Crystal 8 28 224 10/31/24 5:19:12 PM
Fernleaf Lavender 2 245 490 6/2/22 9:52:10 PM
Underground Spring Water 2 279 558 9/19/23 5:20:39 PM
Lunatender Blossom 1 373 373 9/21/23 10:52:41 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,645

Profit/Loss Normal = -44

Profit/Loss HQ = -59

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Grade 5 Intelligence Alkahest on Light

Lich 835 194 836 835 731 -529 779 5,855 8 6/16/22 8:38:15 AM
Odin 440 957 900 440 471 -134 469 58,494 124 6/27/22 9:11:07 PM
Phoenix 99 300 500 99 742 207 119 274,784 370 2/5/23 1:37:46 PM
Shiva 1,198 281 1,199 1,198 685 -892 1,190 190,671 278 5/6/24 9:52:32 PM
Zodiark 532 839 554 532 1,246 -226 432 269,338 216 9/23/23 2:43:33 PM
Twintania 200 490 1,100 200 306 106 200 48,110 157 6/26/22 9:09:46 PM
Alpha 99 255 100 99 589 207 518 68,982 117 9/21/23 1:49:43 PM