Tsai tou Vounou

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 10/28/24 5:02:46 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 30
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Gathering info:

780 1,400 1,555 1,400 1,718 1,555 1,185,433 690 1.10

Level 89 Culinarian Recipe for Tsai tou Vounou

Water Crystal 8 28 224 10/31/24 5:19:12 PM
Lemonette 1 584 584 1/4/24 1:36:28 PM
Palm Sugar 1 428 428 1/4/24 1:43:02 PM
Sideritis Leaves 2 829 1,658 2/28/23 8:59:58 AM
Ambrosial Water 2 0 0 1/4/24 1:43:06 PM
Cinnamon 1 148 148 4/23/23 7:47:17 PM
Fire Crystal 8 46 368 10/31/24 5:19:25 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,410

Profit/Loss Normal = 263

Profit/Loss HQ = 418

90 Adventure Basket

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Tsai tou Vounou on Light

Lich 1,198 1,363 1,798 1,198 1,669 520 1,197 696,160 417 2/25/23 11:52:58 AM
Odin 30 887 2,436 30 1,657 1,688 600 391,149 236 10/28/24 5:03:33 PM
Phoenix 1,928 967 1,995 1,928 2,209 -210 2,000 729,210 330 6/2/23 12:52:39 PM
Shiva 700 631 1,799 700 1,797 1,018 1,800 677,572 377 10/29/24 1:40:21 AM
Zodiark 1,300 1,489 1,300 1,569 1,495 418 1,729 1,152,796 771 10/31/24 5:40:24 PM
Twintania 1,400 780 1,555 1,400 1,718 318 1,555 1,185,433 690 10/28/24 5:02:46 PM
Alpha 525 2,257 1,573 525 1,391 1,193 500 1,284,545 923 9/13/23 3:49:53 PM
Raiden 850 1,183 1,391 850 1,345 868 780 916,116 681 11/3/23 3:11:30 AM