Candlelit Sundries

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 6/20/22 8:02:14 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

44 4,000 4,000 2,032 3,999 50,817 25 1.80

Level 86 Alchemist Recipe for Candlelit Sundries

Lightning Crystal 8 53 424 5/4/24 9:46:23 AM
Water Crystal 8 28 224 10/31/24 5:19:12 PM
Riviera Flowerpot 1 15,698 15,698 4/29/23 4:48:17 PM
Ironwood Lumber 3 2,399 7,197 4/25/24 8:59:37 PM
Luxurious Paper 1 200 200 5/25/23 6:57:24 AM
Tallow Candle 1 294 294 6/22/23 11:54:51 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 24,037

Profit/Loss Normal = -4,044

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Candlelit Sundries on Light

Lich 3,045 27 0 3,045 2,630 -1,013 3,000 44,712 17 6/12/22 5:20:40 PM
Odin 2,800 47 0 2,800 2,373 -768 2,626 23,733 10 6/11/22 9:53:00 AM
Phoenix 2,129 55 0 2,129 2,444 -97 2,190 24,448 10 6/11/22 10:06:42 AM
Shiva 3,775 75 0 3,775 3,839 -1,743 3,594 61,428 16 6/11/22 3:42:09 AM
Zodiark 4,694 36 0 4,694 4,572 -2,662 4,465 45,726 10 6/11/22 5:03:47 AM
Twintania 4,000 44 0 4,000 2,032 -1,968 3,999 50,817 25 6/20/22 8:02:14 PM