Leather Ringbands

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 5/10/22 12:08:22 AM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

18 9,986 10,000 9,986 5,820 9,986 238,658 41 0.40

Level 6 Leatherworker Recipe for Leather Ringbands

Wind Shard 1 105 105 10/17/23 3:59:27 PM
Earth Shard 1 52 52 10/4/23 4:47:19 PM
Bronze Ingot 1 34 34 4/30/23 10:23:06 PM
Leather 1 1 1 8/31/23 6:22:25 AM
Hempen Yarn 1 1 1 4/30/23 10:22:53 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 193

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,781

Profit/Loss HQ = 557

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria I
Earth Shard
Wind Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Leather Ringbands on Light

Lich 15,750 1 0 15,750 29,950 -9,930 30,000 59,900 2 6/11/22 4:39:19 PM
Odin 7,249 7 7,350 7,249 3 -1,429 3 3 1 6/11/22 5:52:13 PM
Phoenix 3,044 9 3,044 5,774 1,269 2,776 1,999 6,348 5 6/11/22 6:03:10 PM
Shiva 180 15 1,499 180 170 5,640 170 170 1 12/7/22 5:49:02 PM
Zodiark 1,784 6 1,784 0 1,519 4,036 1,698 7,597 5 6/11/22 5:26:42 PM
Twintania 9,986 18 10,000 9,986 5,820 -4,166 9,986 238,658 41 5/10/22 12:08:22 AM