Classical Choker of Casting

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 7/31/22 3:03:18 PM
Search Category: Necklaces | Item Category: Necklace | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

8 59,756 59,756 42,538 66,985 212,691 5 1.60

Level 90 Leatherworker Recipe for Classical Choker of Casting

Wind Cluster 3 105 315 10/7/23 10:58:29 PM
Earth Cluster 3 34 102 11/11/23 2:37:52 PM
Star Quartz 1 259 259 10/31/24 5:19:56 PM
Rhodium Ingot 1 500 500 5/4/24 10:20:21 AM
Endstone Aethersand 1 139 139 2/28/23 9:44:44 PM
Grade 6 Intelligence Alkahest 1 1,777 1,777 3/1/22 8:17:15 AM
Amynodon Leather 1 130 130 4/28/24 10:17:30 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,222

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,778

Profit/Loss HQ = 10,772

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Classical Choker of Casting on Light

Lich 52,295 5 79,995 52,295 0 0 0 0 0 12/25/23 3:28:30 AM
Odin 37,981 9 37,981 0 30,804 4,557 38,013 616,097 20 6/29/22 2:28:34 AM
Phoenix 21,941 14 0 21,941 0 0 0 0 0 2/28/23 2:07:26 AM
Shiva 26,352 21 26,352 0 26,780 16,186 26,433 535,608 20 6/29/22 1:08:39 AM
Zodiark 42,305 16 42,305 42,306 41,396 233 40,294 82,793 2 3/1/23 12:57:30 AM
Twintania 59,756 8 59,756 0 42,538 -17,218 66,985 212,691 5 7/31/22 3:03:18 PM