Classical Sagittarius's Loincloth

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 6/21/23 6:47:45 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 650
More Information

Gathering info:

16 9,867 65,510 9,867 9,189 9,399 45,948 5 3.20

Level 90 Weaver Recipe for Classical Sagittarius's Loincloth

Wind Cluster 3 105 315 10/7/23 10:58:29 PM
Lightning Cluster 3 84 252 11/11/23 2:37:27 PM
AR-Caean Velvet 1 200 200 10/23/24 9:10:11 PM
Golden Silk 3 353 1,059 5/4/24 9:46:29 AM
Endwood Aethersand 1 170 170 1/1/23 3:09:27 PM
Grade 6 Dexterity Alkahest 2 32 64 5/3/23 10:39:12 AM
Amynodon Leather 2 130 260 4/28/24 10:17:30 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,320

Profit/Loss Normal = 18,419

Profit/Loss HQ = 22,079

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Classical Sagittarius's Loincloth on Light

Lich 14,489 9 23,334 14,489 14,766 -5,300 13,997 73,833 5 5/28/23 11:22:33 AM
Odin 78,750 5 78,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/19/23 4:22:42 PM
Phoenix 22,049 8 42,000 22,049 21,010 -12,860 20,874 84,043 4 5/21/23 12:59:10 PM
Shiva 31,500 10 41,895 31,500 33,944 -22,311 35,000 169,724 5 6/14/23 10:27:32 AM
Zodiark 14,700 15 75,075 14,700 28,838 -5,511 14,395 144,193 5 5/25/23 5:44:52 AM
Twintania 9,867 16 65,510 9,867 9,189 -678 9,399 45,948 5 6/21/23 6:47:45 PM
Alpha 62,968 4 0 62,968 61,651 -53,779 68,400 308,258 5 5/27/23 5:57:30 AM
Raiden 16,333 3 0 16,333 17,709 -7,144 15,400 88,549 5 6/18/23 10:46:06 AM