Chondrite Magitek Sword

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 6/6/23 12:54:19 PM
Search Category: Gladiator's Arms | Item Category: Gladiator's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 473
More Information

Gathering info:

5 28,805 28,805 22,222 22,222 22,222 1 5.00

Level 88 Blacksmith Recipe for Chondrite Magitek Sword

Earth Crystal 8 57 456 6/8/24 8:56:24 PM
Chondrite Ingot 1 1,011 1,011 4/28/24 9:36:39 PM
Star Quartz 1 259 259 10/31/24 5:19:56 PM
Integral Lumber 1 2,099 2,099 3/5/23 11:59:46 PM
Moon Gel 1 690 690 9/24/23 1:40:22 PM
Fire Crystal 8 46 368 10/31/24 5:19:25 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,883

Profit/Loss Normal = 2,617

Profit/Loss HQ = 17,339

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Chondrite Magitek Sword on Light

Lich 16,274 9 16,274 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/17/23 7:51:39 PM
Odin 10,499 5 10,499 0 9,999 11,723 9,999 9,999 1 6/6/23 11:51:45 PM
Phoenix 19,000 15 19,000 0 24,999 3,222 24,999 24,999 1 4/30/22 8:36:03 AM
Shiva 19,907 5 19,907 0 18,250 2,315 18,500 36,500 2 5/23/23 10:45:46 PM
Zodiark 4,995 6 4,995 18,500 0 0 0 0 0 10/29/22 10:43:08 AM
Twintania 28,805 5 28,805 0 22,222 -6,583 22,222 22,222 1 6/6/23 12:54:19 PM
Alpha 55,122 7 55,122 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/23 11:33:41 AM
Raiden 9,450 2 9,450 0 8,694 12,772 8,500 17,388 2 6/3/23 5:24:57 AM