Raptorskin Culottes

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 9/3/21 8:22:01 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 92
More Information

Gathering info:

7 11,800 25,000 11,800 15,010 24,499 135,098 9 0.80

Level 45 Leatherworker Recipe for Raptorskin Culottes

Wind Shard 5 105 525 10/17/23 3:59:27 PM
Earth Shard 6 52 312 10/4/23 4:47:19 PM
Raptor Leather 2 160 320 2/28/23 3:41:33 PM
Undyed Woolen Cloth 2 1,050 2,100 3/24/23 3:00:14 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,257

Profit/Loss Normal = 31,242

Profit/Loss HQ = 96,740

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria II
Earth Shard
Wind Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Raptorskin Culottes on Light

Lich 1,800 8 24,999 1,800 3,445 13,210 1,892 20,673 6 10/6/21 5:25:43 PM
Odin 32,000 1 32,000 0 22,800 -16,990 30,500 68,400 3 7/12/22 8:27:06 PM
Phoenix 19,000 3 19,000 20,000 17,600 -3,990 19,000 88,000 5 10/26/21 4:14:43 PM
Shiva 49,900 2 0 49,900 37,283 -34,890 49,999 260,981 7 10/2/21 12:21:28 PM
Zodiark 39,999 2 0 39,999 24,374 -24,989 20,000 194,996 8 11/21/21 9:42:44 PM
Twintania 11,800 7 25,000 11,800 15,010 3,210 24,499 135,098 9 9/3/21 8:22:01 PM