Wooden Reel Table

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 2/19/23 6:45:19 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

20 1,154 1,154 1,415 1,060 5,660 4 5.00

Level 80 Carpenter Recipe for Wooden Reel Table

Wind Crystal 7 51 357 6/8/24 8:55:53 PM
Sandteak Lumber 6 1,335 8,010 4/19/22 7:17:47 PM
Lignum Vitae Lumber 8 840 6,720 10/17/23 11:18:08 PM
Ice Crystal 7 26 182 10/31/24 5:21:02 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 15,269

Profit/Loss Normal = -11,973

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Wooden Reel Table on Light

Lich 2,729 27 0 2,729 2,649 -1,314 2,649 2,649 1 2/27/23 4:21:25 PM
Odin 1,499 28 0 1,499 2,014 -84 1,900 12,087 6 1/7/23 9:55:36 AM
Phoenix 10,000 10 0 10,000 20,694 -8,585 9,000 82,777 4 7/12/22 5:36:09 PM
Shiva 1,797 17 0 1,797 988 -382 1,111 7,904 8 1/15/22 4:38:36 PM
Zodiark 5,982 25 0 5,982 7,574 -4,567 5,897 30,297 4 6/10/22 9:24:17 PM
Twintania 1,154 20 0 1,154 1,415 261 1,060 5,660 4 2/19/23 6:45:19 PM
Alpha 2,623 21 0 2,623 1,399 -1,208 2,000 6,995 5 9/13/23 5:41:07 AM