Frantoio Oil

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 6/26/24 4:50:04 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

2983 70 77 70 298 89 256,668 861 3.50

Level 71 Culinarian Recipe for Frantoio Oil

Frantoio 5 450 2,250 1/7/24 11:13:00 AM
Fire Crystal 6 46 276 10/31/24 5:19:25 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,526

Profit/Loss Normal = -772

Profit/Loss HQ = -765

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Frantoio Oil on Light

Lich 373 1,942 420 373 534 -75 441 405,860 760 6/21/23 1:26:48 PM
Odin 210 3,230 903 210 340 88 283 189,411 556 6/20/23 6:55:29 PM
Phoenix 300 1,180 2,047 300 573 -2 1,880 515,883 900 6/19/23 9:34:31 AM
Shiva 997 551 997 1,100 979 -699 996 158,674 162 10/28/24 8:02:33 PM
Zodiark 70 1,277 70 99 79 228 99 69,045 872 6/26/24 4:51:03 AM
Twintania 70 2,983 77 70 298 228 89 256,668 861 6/26/24 4:50:04 AM
Alpha 315 1,017 839 315 685 -17 750 67,221 98 6/25/23 12:53:03 PM
Raiden 294 1,538 294 523 853 4 289 574,373 673 6/16/23 10:16:01 PM