Enchanted Dimythrite Ink

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 2/22/23 1:55:20 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

54 6,294 6,668 6,294 6,640 6,000 166,015 25 2.20

Level 78 Alchemist Recipe for Enchanted Dimythrite Ink

Water Crystal 7 28 196 10/31/24 5:19:12 PM
Dimythrite Sand 3 265 795 11/11/23 3:06:08 PM
Vampire Cup Vine 1 648 648 2/18/23 6:33:28 PM
Underground Spring Water 1 279 279 9/19/23 5:20:39 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,918

Profit/Loss Normal = 582

Profit/Loss HQ = 680

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Enchanted Dimythrite Ink on Light

Lich 4,987 114 5,000 4,987 5,110 1,653 5,449 137,982 27 7/18/23 2:08:55 AM
Odin 3,938 33 5,249 3,938 5,937 2,702 5,200 255,326 43 2/28/23 11:02:23 AM
Phoenix 1,489 119 1,800 1,489 4,987 5,151 5,000 423,973 85 6/4/23 9:42:34 AM
Shiva 7,500 17 9,999 7,500 6,546 -860 9,897 189,860 29 1/6/23 4:27:40 PM
Zodiark 2,124 98 3,333 2,124 3,381 4,516 2,998 284,046 84 6/4/23 9:43:46 AM
Twintania 6,294 54 6,668 6,294 6,640 346 6,000 166,015 25 2/22/23 1:55:20 PM
Alpha 13,649 2 13,649 0 7,832 -7,009 6,998 46,992 6 9/12/23 10:57:46 PM
Raiden 6,405 18 6,405 0 3,723 235 5,000 160,092 43 2/24/23 5:16:18 PM