Cobalt Dolabra

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 5/28/22 5:55:05 PM
Search Category: Miner's Tools | Item Category: Miner's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 83
More Information

Gathering info:

6 23,989 23,989 24,000 15,540 24,989 93,244 6 1.00

Level 43 Blacksmith Recipe for Cobalt Dolabra

Fire Shard 5 70 350 10/17/23 3:56:11 PM
Earth Shard 5 52 260 10/4/23 4:47:19 PM
Cobalt Ingot 1 1,802 1,802 9/24/23 1:23:51 AM
Aldgoat Leather 1 439 439 8/31/23 6:22:56 AM
Mahogany Lumber 1 266 266 2/26/23 10:09:37 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,117

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,867

Profit/Loss HQ = -2,917

Desynthesizes into:

Cobalt Ingot
Fire Shard
Earth Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Cobalt Dolabra on Light

Lich 1,167 4 0 1,167 1,815 14,373 998 7,261 4 5/25/23 6:16:22 PM
Odin 800 9 27,750 800 1,787 14,740 999 17,877 10 12/26/21 12:34:49 PM
Phoenix 683 6 683 732 650 14,857 650 650 1 5/14/23 12:41:44 PM
Shiva 0 0 0 0 9,772 15,540 19,092 39,090 4 10/24/23 7:34:14 PM
Zodiark 1,299 10 0 1,299 937 14,241 1,300 16,880 18 10/8/21 2:28:35 AM
Twintania 23,989 6 23,989 24,000 15,540 -8,449 24,989 93,244 6 5/28/22 5:55:05 PM
Alpha 5,555 2 0 5,555 4,000 9,985 4,000 4,000 1 1/3/24 11:06:35 PM
Raiden 1,984 8 15,750 1,984 0 0 0 0 0 3/25/23 10:34:18 AM