Steel Culinary Knife

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 10/11/20 3:30:00 AM
Search Category: Culinarian's Tools | Item Category: Culinarian's Secondary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 48
More Information

Gathering info:

9 498 7,800 498 449 500 1,348 3 3.00

Level 32 Blacksmith Recipe for Steel Culinary Knife

Fire Shard 3 70 210 10/17/23 3:56:11 PM
Earth Shard 3 52 156 10/4/23 4:47:19 PM
Steel Ingot 1 389 389 2/1/23 9:10:49 PM
Siltstone Whetstone 1 799 799 4/18/23 1:53:36 PM
Walnut Lumber 1 401 401 2/13/23 4:42:06 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,955

Profit/Loss Normal = 93

Profit/Loss HQ = 28,044

Desynthesizes into:

Fieldcraft Demimateria I
Fire Shard
Earth Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Steel Culinary Knife on Light

Lich 50,000 1 50,000 0 3,433 -49,551 3,000 17,166 5 5/24/20 2:35:47 AM
Odin 25,778 1 25,778 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/10/23 12:59:47 PM
Phoenix 4,500 2 0 4,500 7,206 -4,051 4,500 21,620 3 6/26/21 8:43:01 PM
Shiva 7,000 7 18,000 7,000 17,082 -6,551 7,000 102,494 6 10/8/21 5:05:27 PM
Zodiark 17,000 2 17,000 0 10,258 -16,551 19,000 61,548 6 11/21/21 10:06:02 AM
Twintania 498 9 7,800 498 449 -49 500 1,348 3 10/11/20 3:30:00 AM