Stuffed Alpha

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 9/27/23 2:11:36 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

65 179 179 204 200 8,168 40 1.60

Level 70 Weaver Recipe for Stuffed Alpha

Wind Cluster 2 105 210 10/7/23 10:58:29 PM
Lightning Cluster 2 84 168 11/11/23 2:37:27 PM
Halgai Mane 2 22 44 4/23/23 7:52:20 PM
Twinthread 3 796 2,388 4/26/24 7:53:19 PM
Ala Mhigan Burdet 2 19 38 4/26/24 8:58:47 PM
Alpha's Feather 1 41 41 5/24/23 10:50:16 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,889

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,689

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Stuffed Alpha on Light

Lich 495 66 0 495 453 -291 60 9,076 20 1/22/23 10:53:17 AM
Odin 152 73 0 152 163 52 143 982 6 9/13/23 10:56:56 AM
Phoenix 60 56 0 60 194 144 119 3,117 16 8/7/22 7:14:56 PM
Shiva 73 100 0 73 64 131 60 1,289 20 1/26/24 3:42:14 PM
Zodiark 120 52 0 120 2,381 84 125 45,253 19 2/11/23 4:33:07 AM
Twintania 179 65 0 179 204 25 200 8,168 40 9/27/23 2:11:36 PM
Alpha 324 21 0 324 293 -120 300 1,467 5 9/12/23 2:07:10 PM