Oak Longbow

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 6/16/23 2:13:58 PM
Search Category: Archer's Arms | Item Category: Archer's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 59
More Information

Gathering info:

10 4,095 41,995 4,095 7,857 24,994 55,002 7 1.40

Level 35 Carpenter Recipe for Oak Longbow

Ice Shard 3 77 231 10/4/23 4:58:28 PM
Wind Shard 4 105 420 10/17/23 3:59:27 PM
Steel Ingot 1 389 389 2/1/23 9:10:49 PM
Linen Yarn 1 35 35 2/22/23 3:11:55 AM
Oak Lumber 1 210 210 1/8/23 12:18:26 AM
Ash Branch 2 1,365 2,730 10/3/23 6:26:18 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,015

Profit/Loss Normal = 385

Profit/Loss HQ = 17,979

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria II
Wind Shard
Ice Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Oak Longbow on Light

Lich 506 6 0 506 9,303 7,351 21,000 167,470 18 4/23/22 10:25:47 PM
Odin 4,200 10 26,142 4,200 9,999 3,657 10,000 39,999 4 5/21/23 4:45:15 PM
Phoenix 924 5 52,500 924 6,222 6,933 7,553 31,111 5 6/14/23 10:51:14 PM
Shiva 3,150 20 15,645 3,150 11,991 4,707 59 59,959 5 6/4/23 7:39:23 AM
Zodiark 998 11 16,555 998 13,262 6,859 16,555 159,154 12 4/4/22 10:12:16 AM
Twintania 4,095 10 41,995 4,095 7,857 3,762 24,994 55,002 7 6/16/23 2:13:58 PM
Alpha 62 17 19,950 62 19,199 7,795 19,999 95,998 5 5/31/23 9:57:56 AM
Raiden 62 4 0 62 2,117 7,795 59 35,996 17 5/14/23 8:32:38 PM