Water Cluster

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 11/11/23 2:37:14 PM
Search Category: Crystals | Item Category: Crystal | Sell price to vendor: 0
More Information

Gathering info:

50 The Sea of Clouds, Abalathia's Spine
50 Western Thanalan, Thanalan
50 Mor Dhona, Mor Dhona
50 Mor Dhona, Mor Dhona
50 The Sea of Clouds, Abalathia's Spine
50 The Wild Fete, Norvrandt Region: The Rak'tika Greatwood
50 Hammerlea, Thanalan Region: Western Thanalan
50 North Silvertear, Mor Dhona
50 North Silvertear, Mor Dhona

54328 109 109 143 111 4,013,346 27,957 1.90
90 Archon Burger
90 Beef Stroganoff
90 Pumpkin Ratatouille
90 Pumpkin Potage
90 Peach Juice
90 Peach Tart
90 Sykon Cookie
90 Thavnairian Chai
90 Scallop Salad
90 Scallop Curry
90 Grade 6 Tincture of Strength
90 Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity
90 Grade 6 Tincture of Vitality
90 Grade 6 Tincture of Intelligence
90 Grade 6 Tincture of Mind
60 Paladin's Endless Expanse Arms
60 Paladin's Endless Expanse Arms
90 Grade 6 Strength Alkahest
90 Grade 6 Dexterity Alkahest
90 Grade 6 Vitality Alkahest
90 Grade 6 Intelligence Alkahest
90 Grade 6 Mind Alkahest
80 Resplendent Alchemist's Component A
80 Resplendent Culinarian's Component A
80 Resplendent Alchemist's Component B
80 Resplendent Culinarian's Component B
80 Resplendent Alchemist's Component C
80 Resplendent Culinarian's Component C
90 Endcaller Orchestrion Roll
90 Your Answer Orchestrion Roll
90 Hannish Fiber
90 Calamari Ripieni
90 Kalamarakia Tiganita
90 The Final Day Orchestrion Roll
90 With Hearts Aligned Orchestrion Roll
50 Giantsgall Longsword
50 Giantsgall Claws
50 Giantsgall War Axe
90 Water Otter Fountain Resin
90 Water Otter Fountain Resin
50 Giantsgall Trident
90 Rinascita Index
90 Rinascita Codex
50 Giantsgall Longbow
90 Grade 7 Strength Alkahest
90 Grade 7 Dexterity Alkahest
90 Grade 7 Vitality Alkahest
90 Grade 7 Intelligence Alkahest
90 Grade 7 Mind Alkahest
90 Grade 7 Tincture of Strength
90 Grade 7 Tincture of Dexterity
90 Grade 7 Tincture of Vitality
90 Grade 7 Tincture of Intelligence
90 Grade 7 Tincture of Mind
50 Giantsgall Cane
50 Alkalurops
50 Giantsgall Longstaff
50 Cantamina Thavnaria
50 Medica Thavnaria
50 Deus Ex Verbis
50 Deus Ex Gratia
90 Melon Pie
90 Melon Juice
90 Sunset Carrot Nibbles
90 Carrot Pudding
90 Gyros
90 Loaghtan Rump Steak
90 Piennolo Tomato Salad
90 Garlean Pizza
90 Urchin Pasta
90 King Urchin Loaf
90 Island Prism
90 Island Prism
80 The Fae's Crown Grimoire
80 The Fae's Crown Codex
90 Battle with the Four Fiends (Buried Memory) Orchestrion Roll
90 Connoisseur's Cosmetics Box
90 Connoisseur's Pixieberry Tea
90 Connoisseur's Elixir Bottle
90 Connoisseur's Pixieberry Tart
90 Jhinga Biryani
90 Jhinga Curry
90 Craftsman's Alkahest
90 Smaller Water Otter Fountain Resin
90 Smaller Water Otter Fountain Resin
80 Rubellux Index
80 Rubellux Codex
90 Forged in Crimson Orchestrion Roll
90 Diadochos Index
90 Diadochos Codex
90 Grade 8 Strength Alkahest
90 Grade 8 Dexterity Alkahest
90 Grade 8 Vitality Alkahest
90 Grade 8 Intelligence Alkahest
90 Grade 8 Mind Alkahest
90 Grade 8 Tincture of Strength
90 Grade 8 Tincture of Dexterity
90 Grade 8 Tincture of Vitality
90 Grade 8 Tincture of Intelligence
90 Grade 8 Tincture of Mind
90 Connoisseur's Topiary Moogle
90 Connoisseur's Squid Baguette
90 Connoisseur's Planter Partition
90 Connoisseur's Spaghetti al Nero
90 Honeyed Dragonfruit
90 Dragonfruit Blend
90 Baba Ghanoush
90 Baked Eggplant
90 Spicy Stellar Soup
90 Tandoori Raptor
90 Caviar Sandwich
90 Caviar Canapes
90 Marinated Broccoflower
90 Broccoflower Stew
90 Uncharted Course Resin
90 Uncharted Course Resin
50 X-Potion
50 X-Ether
50 Hi-Elixir
50 Fire Ward Mega-Potion
50 Ice Ward Mega-Potion
50 Wind Ward Mega-Potion
50 Earth Ward Mega-Potion
50 Lightning Ward Mega-Potion
50 Water Ward Mega-Potion
50 Sauteed Coeurl
50 Apkallu Omelette
50 Lava Toad Legs
50 Black Truffle Risotto
50 Finger Sandwich
50 Pineapple Ponzecake
50 Pineapple Juice
90 Voidcast Savior Orchestrion Roll
90 Connoisseur's Lunar Curtain
90 Connoisseur's Crab Cakes
90 Connoisseur's Tincture of Vitality
90 Connoisseur's Chili Crab
50 Growth Formula Delta Concentrate
50 Enchanted Rose Gold Ink
50 Suspended Trillium Flower
90 Aetherial Arbor Resin
90 Aetherial Arbor Resin
80 Smaragdine Index
80 Smaragdine Codex
90 FINAL FANTASY IV: The Final Battle (Endwalker) Orchestrion Roll
90 The Red Wings (Endwalker) Orchestrion Roll
50 Aetheryte Ring
100 Archeo Kingdom Index
100 Archeo Kingdom Codex
100 Archeo Kingdom Round Brush
50 Steamed Catfish
50 Popoto Pancakes
50 Roast Canard
50 Sachertorte
50 Chilled Popoto Soup
50 Spinach Quiche
50 Diluted Vitriol
50 Terminus Putty
50 Gourmet Supper
50 Afternoon Tea Set
50 Potted Umbrella Fig
100 Grade 2 Gemsap of Strength
100 Grade 2 Gemsap of Dexterity
100 Grade 2 Gemsap of Vitality
100 Grade 2 Gemsap of Intelligence
100 Grade 2 Gemsap of Mind
100 Grade 2 Gemdraught of Strength
100 Grade 2 Gemdraught of Dexterity
100 Grade 2 Gemdraught of Vitality
100 Grade 2 Gemdraught of Intelligence
100 Grade 2 Gemdraught of Mind
100 Roast Chicken
100 Chicken Pasta
100 Churrasco
100 Moqueca
100 Cinnamon Cream Coffee
100 Coffee Kukuru Rusks
100 Navel Orange Cookies
100 Pineapple Orange Jelly
100 Lobster Bisque
100 Boiled Lobster
50 Malevolent Moggle Mogwand
50 Majestic Moggle Mogtome
50 Munificent Moggle Mogtome
100 The Skyruin Orchestrion Roll
100 Seeking Purpose Orchestrion Roll
25 Flawless Band
50 Stuffed Takitaro
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Confrontation
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Productivity
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Industry
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Longeing
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Rivalry
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Company
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Initiation
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Capacity
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Observation
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Efficiency
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Precision
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Dedication
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Nutriment
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Permanence
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Swiftness
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Pilgrimage
100 Ceviche
100 Cloudsail Meuniere
100 Optical Nanofiber
50 Kirimu Grimoire
50 Kirimu Codex
80 Adamant Index
80 Adamant Codex
100 Paved in Solitude Orchestrion Roll
100 Paved with Resolve Orchestrion Roll
50 Giantsgall Cleavers
50 Triple Cream Coffee
50 Bacon Bread
50 Flint Caviar
50 Shark Fin Soup
50 Haddock Dip
50 Bacon Broth
50 Enchanted Platinum Ink
50 Perfect Pounce
50 Tailor-made Eel Pie
50 Grade 2 Feed - Speed Blend
50 Grade 2 Feed - Acceleration Blend
50 Grade 2 Feed - Balance Blend
50 Grade 2 Feed - Endurance Blend
50 Grade 2 Feed - Stamina Blend
50 Valentione's Cake
50 Wild Banana Tree
50 Tinker's Calm
50 Enchanted Quicksilver
50 Duck Broth
50 Giantsgall Guillotine
50 Giantsgall Knifelock
50 Giantsgall Star Globe
60 Noble Gold
60 Noble's Codex
60 Nameday Cake
50 Grade 1 Wheel of Recreation
60 Astral Oil
60 Grade 2 Strength Dissolvent
60 Grade 2 Dexterity Dissolvent
60 Grade 2 Vitality Dissolvent
60 Grade 2 Intelligence Dissolvent
60 Grade 2 Mind Dissolvent
58 Draconian Potion of Strength
58 Draconian Potion of Dexterity
59 Draconian Potion of Vitality
59 Draconian Potion of Intelligence
59 Draconian Potion of Mind
60 Hot Chocolate
60 Creme Brulee
60 Almond Cream Croissant
60 Urchin Loaf
60 Seafood Stew
60 Snurbleberry Tart
51 Deep-red Enchanted Ink
60 Superior Deep-red Enchanted Ink
51 Deep-green Enchanted Ink
60 Superior Deep-green Enchanted Ink
51 Deep-blue Enchanted Ink
60 Superior Deep-blue Enchanted Ink
56 Oriental Tea Set
60 Sephirot Root
60 Sephirot Tree
60 Dravanian Down Tree
60 Titanium Alloy Mirror
60 Kingcake
60 Steamed Staff
60 Replica Allagan Grimoire of Casting
60 Replica Allagan Grimoire of Healing
60 Replica High Allagan Grimoire of Casting
60 Replica High Allagan Grimoire of Healing
60 Spiced Cider
60 Apple Strudel
60 Peperoncino
60 Boscaiola
60 Loaghtan Steak
60 Oyster Confit
60 Angler Stew
60 Camphor
60 Grade 3 Strength Dissolvent
60 Grade 3 Dexterity Dissolvent
60 Grade 3 Vitality Dissolvent
60 Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent
60 Grade 3 Mind Dissolvent
60 Max-Potion of Strength
60 Max-Potion of Dexterity
60 Max-Potion of Vitality
60 Max-Potion of Intelligence
60 Max-Potion of Mind
60 Down the Up Staircase Orchestrion Roll
60 Heroes Orchestrion Roll
60 Fiend Orchestrion Roll
60 Eternal Wind Orchestrion Roll
60 Answers Orchestrion Roll
60 Endless Expanse Patas
60 Endless Expanse Battleaxe
60 Endless Expanse Partisan
60 Endless Expanse Longbow
60 Endless Expanse Machetes
60 Endless Expanse Greatsword
60 Endless Expanse Handgonne
60 Endless Expanse Cane
60 Endless Expanse Longpole
60 Endless Expanse Grimoire
60 Endless Expanse Codex
60 Endless Expanse Astrometer
60 Grimoire of the Round
60 Codex of the Round
60 Luminous Fiber
60 Heavensegg Soup
60 Pasta Ortolano
60 Revenge of the Horde Orchestrion Roll
50 Mighty Moggle Mogrod
60 Hemiskin Grimoire
60 Hemiskin Codex
60 Heavenly Eggnog
60 Flaugnarde
60 Spaghetti Carbonara
60 Wildwood Scrambled Eggs
60 Spaghetti Pescatore
60 Loaghtan Cordon Bleu
60 Priestly Omelette
60 Supramax-Potion of Strength
60 Supramax-Potion of Dexterity
60 Supramax-Potion of Vitality
60 Supramax-Potion of Intelligence
60 Supramax-Potion of Mind
60 Equilibrium Orchestrion Roll
60 Word of the Fiend
60 Song of the Fiend
60 Limitless Blue Orchestrion Roll
60 Woe that Is Madness Orchestrion Roll
60 The Hand that Gives the Rose Orchestrion Roll
60 Unbending Steel Orchestrion Roll
60 Infinity Orchestrion Roll
70 Revelation Orchestrion Roll
70 Beauty's Wicked Wiles Orchestrion Roll
70 Grimoire of the True Griffin
70 Codex of the True Griffin
70 Steppe Tea
70 Jellied Compote
70 Persimmon Leaf Sushi
70 Pork Kakuni
70 Pork Stew
70 Infusion of Strength
70 Infusion of Dexterity
69 Infusion of Vitality
70 Infusion of Intelligence
69 Infusion of Mind
70 Grade 2 Reisui of Strength
70 Grade 2 Reisui of Dexterity
70 Grade 2 Reisui of Vitality
70 Grade 2 Reisui of Intelligence
70 Grade 2 Reisui of Mind
60 Endless Expanse Katana
60 Endless Expanse Rapier
70 Shinryu's Wing
70 Flying Chair
70 Ala Mhigan Burdet
70 Snailfish Oil
70 Sermon-worthy Meuniere
70 Chawan-mushi
70 The Worm's Head Orchestrion Roll
70 The Worm's Tail Orchestrion Roll
70 Silvergrace Grimoire
70 Silvergrace Codex
70 Grade 3 Reisui of Strength
70 Grade 3 Reisui of Dexterity
70 Grade 3 Reisui of Vitality
70 Grade 3 Reisui of Intelligence
70 Grade 3 Reisui of Mind
70 Tako-yaki
70 Futo-maki Roll
70 Oden
70 Dzo Steak
70 Crimson Cider
70 Sauteed Green Leeks
70 Tofu Pancakes
70 Grade 2 Infusion of Strength
70 Grade 2 Infusion of Dexterity
70 Grade 2 Infusion of Vitality
70 Grade 2 Infusion of Intelligence
70 Grade 2 Infusion of Mind
70 Answer on High Orchestrion Roll
70 Amatsu Kaze Orchestrion Roll
70 Assorted Candles
60 Wine Glass
70 Jellyfish Lamp
70 Hawk's Eye Sand
70 Veteran Tree Sap
70 Konpeito
70 Banh Xeo
70 Matcha
70 Ema Datshi
70 Ambient Abyss Orchestrion Roll
70 Nightbloom Orchestrion Roll
70 Wayward Daughter Orchestrion Roll
70 Rakshasa Grimoire
70 Rakshasa Codex
70 Grade 4 Reisui of Strength
70 Grade 4 Reisui of Dexterity
70 Grade 4 Reisui of Vitality
70 Grade 4 Reisui of Intelligence
70 Grade 4 Reisui of Mind
70 Grade 3 Infusion of Strength
70 Grade 3 Infusion of Dexterity
70 Grade 3 Infusion of Vitality
70 Grade 3 Infusion of Intelligence
70 Grade 3 Infusion of Mind
70 Rooibos Tea
70 Ginger Salad
70 Laghman
70 Imam Bayildi
70 Papanasi
70 Salmon Muffin
70 Shakshouka
70 Sunrise Orchestrion Roll
60 Seeing Horde Grimoire
60 Seeing Horde Codex
60 Word of the Goddess
60 Song of the Goddess
60 Word of the Demon
60 Song of the Demon
70 From the Dragon's Wake Orchestrion Roll
80 Galdrabok
80 Pragmatism
80 Grade 2 Strength Alkahest
80 Grade 2 Dexterity Alkahest
80 Grade 2 Vitality Alkahest
80 Grade 2 Intelligence Alkahest
80 Grade 2 Mind Alkahest
80 Creamy Salmon Pasta
80 King Salmon Meuniere
80 Popoto Salad
80 Robe Lettuce Salad
80 Pixieberry Tea
80 Pixieberry Cheesecake
80 Kukuru Rusk
80 Lemon Curd Sachertorte
80 Rare Roast Beef
80 Exquisite Beef Stew
80 What Angel Wakes Me Orchestrion Roll
80 Insanity Orchestrion Roll
80 Grade 2 Tincture of Strength
80 Grade 2 Tincture of Dexterity
80 Grade 2 Tincture of Vitality
80 Grade 2 Tincture of Intelligence
80 Grade 2 Tincture of Mind
80 Pliable Glass Fiber
80 Mejillones al Ajillo
80 Arros Negre
80 Invincible Orchestrion Roll
80 Neo-Ishgardian Grimoire
80 Neo-Ishgardian Codex
80 Grade 3 Tincture of Strength
80 Grade 3 Tincture of Dexterity
80 Grade 3 Tincture of Vitality
80 Grade 3 Tincture of Intelligence
80 Grade 3 Tincture of Mind
80 Ovim Meatballs
80 Mors
80 Lemon Waffle
80 Honey Croissant
80 Sausage and Sauerkraut
80 Stuffed Highland Cabbage
80 Pickled Herring
80 Herring Pie
80 Farmer's Breakfast
80 Silkie Pudding
80 Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Remedies
80 Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Quiche
80 Grade 3 Strength Alkahest
80 Grade 3 Dexterity Alkahest
80 Grade 3 Vitality Alkahest
80 Grade 3 Intelligence Alkahest
80 Grade 3 Mind Alkahest
70 Shinryu's Ephemeral Grimoire
70 Shinryu's Ephemeral Codex
80 Ultima (The Primals) Orchestrion Roll
80 Crab Cakes
80 Chili Crab
80 Defthand's Dissolvent
80 Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Tiled Flooring
80 Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Luncheon
80 Eternal Wind - Shadowbringers Orchestrion Roll
80 To the Edge Orchestrion Roll
80 Oddly Delicate Holy Water
80 Oddly Delicate Shark Oil
80 Exarchic Grimoire
80 Exarchic Codex
80 Grade 4 Tincture of Strength
80 Grade 4 Tincture of Dexterity
80 Grade 4 Tincture of Vitality
80 Grade 4 Tincture of Intelligence
80 Grade 4 Tincture of Mind
80 Pizza
80 Mist Spinach Quiche
80 Chicken Fettuccine
80 Smoked Chicken
80 Golden Pineapple Juice
80 Pineapple Salad
80 Zefir
80 Twilight Popoto Salad
80 Broad Bean Curry
80 Lemon Muffin
80 Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Tincture
80 Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Sorbet
80 Grade 4 Strength Alkahest
80 Grade 4 Dexterity Alkahest
80 Grade 4 Vitality Alkahest
80 Grade 4 Intelligence Alkahest
80 Grade 4 Mind Alkahest
80 The Black Wolf Stalks Again Orchestrion Roll
80 In the Arms of War Orchestrion Roll
90 Classical Index
90 Classical Codex

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Water Cluster on Light

Lich 100 103,751 0 100 96 43 99 3,652,580 37,659 5/31/24 4:01:37 PM
Odin 100 216,041 0 100 100 43 100 6,078,560 60,186 6/8/24 9:00:46 PM
Phoenix 23 137,494 0 23 23 120 21 1,143,453 48,744 2/24/23 3:37:57 AM
Shiva 40 267,403 0 40 43 103 69 1,750,488 39,799 10/20/24 8:51:10 AM
Zodiark 20 91,779 0 20 22 123 19 362,971 16,106 2/28/23 10:45:10 PM
Twintania 109 54,328 0 109 143 34 111 4,013,346 27,957 11/11/23 2:37:14 PM
Alpha 199 20,930 0 199 276 -56 266 3,006,515 10,885 2/10/24 9:32:07 PM
Raiden 166 49,580 0 166 168 -23 165 4,348,712 25,736 5/28/23 4:48:35 AM