Abalathian Mistletoe

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 6/20/23 8:51:04 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

58 The Sea of Clouds, Abalathia's Spine
58 Vundu Ok' Bendu, Abalathia's Spine Region: The Sea of Clouds

435 307 307 260 297 30,244 116 3.80
64 Pine Cane
56 Hallowed Water

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Abalathian Mistletoe on Light

Lich 47 207 0 47 138 213 45 2,769 20 6/4/23 11:58:11 AM
Odin 735 21 0 735 321 -475 699 12,872 40 6/12/23 11:58:47 PM
Phoenix 62 561 0 62 103 198 95 8,695 84 5/31/23 3:34:02 AM
Shiva 678 79 0 678 439 -418 500 7,902 18 5/10/23 9:39:44 PM
Zodiark 329 267 0 329 350 -69 328 96,164 274 4/28/24 3:22:19 PM
Twintania 307 435 0 307 260 -47 297 30,244 116 6/20/23 8:51:04 PM
Alpha 1,313 320 0 1,313 5,504 -1,053 1,399 104,594 19 6/24/23 5:00:01 AM
Raiden 633 42 0 633 645 -373 601 54,878 85 6/25/23 2:06:25 PM