Cask Rack

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 2/24/23 6:23:29 PM
Search Category: Tables | Item Category: Table | Sell price to vendor: 120
More Information

Gathering info:

35 4,410 4,410 4,273 4,398 55,555 13 2.70

Level 52 Carpenter Recipe for Cask Rack

Wind Crystal 3 51 153 6/8/24 8:55:53 PM
Brass Ingot 7 105 735 6/25/23 3:54:41 PM
Silver Ingot 4 950 3,800 10/1/23 12:49:10 PM
Cedar Lumber 7 997 6,979 2/24/23 2:18:00 PM
Oak Lumber 7 210 1,470 1/8/23 12:18:26 AM
Ice Crystal 3 26 78 10/31/24 5:21:02 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 13,215

Profit/Loss Normal = -3,218

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Oak Lumber
Wind Crystal
Ice Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Cask Rack on Light

Lich 2,922 35 0 2,922 3,150 1,351 2,788 34,658 11 2/24/23 6:53:03 PM
Odin 795 30 0 795 862 3,478 720 4,314 5 12/5/22 7:15:49 PM
Phoenix 995 30 0 995 1,005 3,278 1,198 20,118 20 11/26/22 12:01:23 PM
Shiva 943 36 0 943 789 3,330 898 3,948 5 6/9/22 6:41:46 PM
Zodiark 3,779 13 0 3,779 2,951 494 3,590 23,612 8 6/12/22 1:25:14 PM
Twintania 4,410 35 0 4,410 4,273 -137 4,398 55,555 13 2/24/23 6:23:29 PM
Raiden 3,669 15 0 3,669 2,550 604 3,000 43,363 17 2/28/23 4:38:37 PM