Titanium Alembic

Server: Twintania

Last Updated: 4/6/23 11:23:53 AM
Search Category: Alchemist's Tools | Item Category: Alchemist's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 257
More Information

Gathering info:

17 450 18,000 450 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 57 Armorer Recipe for Titanium Alembic

Earth Crystal 4 57 228 6/8/24 8:56:24 PM
Titanium Ingot 2 1,300 2,600 2/23/23 9:13:25 AM
Titanium Rivets 2 1,029 2,058 6/2/23 10:47:19 PM
Opal 1 2,089 2,089 4/20/23 2:58:24 PM
Electrum Ingot 1 1,997 1,997 9/26/23 12:44:26 PM
Ice Crystal 5 26 130 10/31/24 5:21:02 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,102

Profit/Loss Normal = -7,852

Profit/Loss HQ = 5,898

Desynthesizes into:

Ice Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Twintania Cross Server Data for Titanium Alembic on Light

Lich 855 11 50,000 855 0 0 0 0 0 3/30/23 1:19:15 PM
Odin 3,332 6 19,000 3,332 7,348 -3,332 1,555 22,045 3 12/19/22 8:14:42 AM
Phoenix 349 21 1,200 349 605 -349 357 4,239 7 1/9/22 9:33:54 AM
Shiva 780 12 118,990 780 780 -780 780 780 1 11/11/22 9:17:29 AM
Zodiark 492 19 12,000 492 540 -492 540 540 1 1/23/22 7:07:25 AM
Twintania 450 17 18,000 450 0 0 0 0 0 4/6/23 11:23:53 AM
Alpha 1,574 8 2,930 1,574 1,499 -1,574 1,499 1,499 1 5/25/23 7:05:00 AM
Raiden 524 5 0 524 456 -524 457 913 2 4/7/23 2:49:22 AM