Rinascita Culverin

Server: Tonberry

Last Updated: 3/3/23 11:58:03 AM
Search Category: Machinist's Arms | Item Category: Machinist's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

25 94,384 94,384 89,990 89,990 449,950 5 5.00

Level 90 Blacksmith Recipe for Rinascita Culverin

Fire Cluster 3 59 177 10/27/23 8:09:16 AM
Earth Cluster 3 18 54 6/27/23 12:59:00 PM
Star Quartz 1 189 189 10/8/23 11:25:25 AM
Endstone Aethersand 1 1,499 1,499 12/29/22 8:02:46 AM
Titanoboa Leather 2 8,700 17,400 2/13/23 3:36:43 AM
Ilmenite Ingot 3 8,100 24,300 3/2/23 4:30:30 AM
Grade 7 Dexterity Alkahest 2 137 274 3/4/23 1:59:27 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 43,893

Profit/Loss Normal = -24,894

Profit/Loss HQ = -23,293

Current Prices

Price History

Tonberry Cross Server Data for Rinascita Culverin on Elemental

Atomos 173,250 7 173,250 0 199,778 -83,260 199,780 799,112 4 2/23/23 8:58:57 AM
Carbuncle 178,489 7 178,489 0 175,284 -88,499 173,979 350,568 2 2/28/23 4:38:38 PM
Garuda 286,377 7 286,377 0 275,242 -196,387 274,998 825,727 3 2/23/23 9:26:00 AM
Gungnir 104,995 12 104,995 0 98,836 -15,005 98,000 790,688 8 2/25/23 11:03:35 PM
Kujata 142,682 9 142,682 0 147,927 -52,692 135,865 2,514,766 17 2/23/23 1:32:28 PM
Tonberry 94,384 25 94,384 0 89,990 -4,394 89,990 449,950 5 3/3/23 11:58:03 AM
Typhon 164,425 3 164,425 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/23/23 1:06:07 PM