Purpure Bead

Server: Tonberry

Last Updated: 3/3/23 6:58:55 PM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 7
More Information

Gathering info:

40 207 1,050 207 470 55 5,179 11 3.60

Level 80 Goldsmith Recipe for Purpure Bead

Fire Cluster 2 59 118 10/27/23 8:09:16 AM
Wind Cluster 2 157 314 10/4/23 2:06:26 PM
Purpure Shell Chip 4 395 1,580 9/16/23 1:58:53 AM
Workbench Resin 2 57 114 5/29/23 3:52:31 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,126

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,926

Profit/Loss HQ = -231

Current Prices

Price History

Tonberry Cross Server Data for Purpure Bead on Elemental

Aegis 146 151 147 146 107 324 137 1,075 10 2/27/23 7:41:23 AM
Atomos 627 130 840 627 748 -157 730 4,490 6 9/24/23 12:59:39 PM
Carbuncle 323 187 419 323 731 147 490 13,904 19 6/14/22 12:35:57 PM
Garuda 144 253 153 144 108 326 140 1,414 13 2/25/23 11:34:39 AM
Gungnir 410 57 525 410 387 60 300 5,813 15 2/27/23 7:37:25 AM
Kujata 479 37 700 479 291 -9 587 9,634 33 4/7/23 10:58:55 AM
Tonberry 207 40 1,050 207 470 263 55 5,179 11 3/3/23 6:58:55 PM
Typhon 630 91 819 630 630 -160 1,000 8,200 13 9/22/23 4:44:48 AM