Treated Spruce Lumber

Server: Titan

Last Updated: 6/15/22 8:21:38 AM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

14 8,400 8,925 8,400 8,137 10,000 130,200 16 0.90

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Treated Spruce Lumber

Wind Cluster 1 131 131 6/22/23 1:42:17 AM
Spruce Lumber 2 1,155 2,310 6/11/22 8:48:13 AM
Hardened Sap 9 284 2,556 6/15/22 5:19:44 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,997

Profit/Loss Normal = 2,003

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,503

Current Prices

Price History

Titan Cross Server Data for Treated Spruce Lumber on Mana

Anima 10,395 275 10,395 11,550 11,157 -2,258 10,500 535,577 48 6/15/22 9:09:34 AM
Asura 10,290 60 10,290 10,395 9,902 -2,153 9,900 188,140 19 6/15/22 6:36:39 AM
Chocobo 8,085 289 9,450 8,085 9,134 52 9,000 429,340 47 6/15/22 8:45:34 AM
Hades 7,875 223 8,400 7,875 7,494 262 7,800 277,299 37 6/15/22 5:46:58 AM
Ixion 8,610 77 9,975 8,610 2,576 -473 10,000 43,792 17 6/11/22 11:34:45 PM
Masamune 7,233 60 7,560 7,233 7,771 904 7,200 54,400 7 6/15/22 5:22:53 AM
Pandaemonium 7,875 135 7,875 7,875 8,000 262 8,000 72,000 9 6/11/22 11:03:04 PM
Titan 8,400 14 8,925 8,400 8,137 -263 10,000 130,200 16 6/15/22 8:21:38 AM