House Borel Interior Wall

Server: Titan

Last Updated: 6/18/21 6:16:08 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Interior Wall | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

22 2,100 2,100 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 70 Weaver Recipe for House Borel Interior Wall

Hallowed Ramie Cloth 6 84 504 6/10/22 8:25:08 AM
Wind Cluster 2 131 262 6/22/23 1:42:17 AM
Lightning Cluster 2 102 204 12/2/22 11:39:57 AM
Twinthread 4 108 432 2/25/23 11:12:22 PM
Rhea Cloth 2 21 42 6/16/22 8:56:05 AM
Mortar 4 462 1,848 2/27/23 3:32:50 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,292

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,958

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Lightning Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Titan Cross Server Data for House Borel Interior Wall on Mana

Anima 4,200 31 0 4,200 5,604 -4,200 4,140 28,021 5 2/18/23 8:17:52 PM
Asura 315 41 0 315 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 5:17:33 PM
Chocobo 2,048 13 0 2,048 0 0 0 0 0 2/19/23 6:53:44 AM
Hades 1,574 33 0 1,574 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 4:46:04 PM
Ixion 17,850 12 0 17,850 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 2:23:01 PM
Masamune 4,200 32 0 4,200 6,896 -4,200 6,900 20,690 3 2/27/23 6:37:17 AM
Pandaemonium 1,050 37 0 1,050 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 1:12:39 PM
Titan 2,100 22 0 2,100 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 6:16:08 PM