Dark Chestnut Lumber

Server: Titan

Last Updated: 6/26/23 9:57:35 AM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

752 840 840 940 899 900 95,300 106 7.10

Level 54 Carpenter Recipe for Dark Chestnut Lumber

Wind Crystal 4 32 128 6/15/22 8:21:04 AM
Dark Chestnut Log 5 189 945 6/12/22 2:27:00 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,073

Profit/Loss Normal = -223

Profit/Loss HQ = -186

60 Highland Cottage Roof (Wood)
60 Highland Cottage Roof (Composite)
60 Highland House Roof (Wood)
60 Highland House Roof (Composite)
60 Highland Mansion Roof (Wood)
60 Highland Mansion Roof (Composite)
60 Highland Cottage Wall (Wood)
60 Highland Cottage Wall (Composite)
60 Highland House Wall (Wood)
60 Highland House Wall (Composite)
60 Highland Mansion Wall (Wood)
60 Highland Mansion Wall (Composite)
60 Highland Classical Window
60 Highland Lancet Window
60 Highland Oblong Window
60 Highland Wooden Door
60 Highland Ornate Door
60 Highland Interior Wall
60 Highland Flooring
60 Highland Composite Chimney
60 Highland Wooden Awning
60 Highland Composite Awning
54 Titanium Jamadhars
54 Titanium Axe
54 Titanium Lance
54 Dark Chestnut Longbow
54 Titanium Claymore
54 Titanium-barreled Arquebus
54 Dark Chestnut Rod
55 Hardsilver Saw
55 Hardsilver Texture Hammer
55 Titanium Creasing Knife
56 Dragon Fang Needle
54 Titanium Frypan
55 Hardsilver Dolabra
55 Dark Chestnut Fishing Rod
56 Titanium Claw Hammer
56 Cloud Mica Grinding Wheel
56 Titanium Awl
56 Dark Chestnut Spinning Wheel
56 Titanium Mortar
56 Titanium Culinary Knife
56 Titanium Sledgehammer
55 Alpine Chair
55 Alpine Round Table
55 Toy Box
56 Hallowed Chestnut Lumber
55 Hat Stand
55 Grade 2 Picture Frame
56 Titanium Tachi
56 Hardsilver Foil
64 Hingan House Roof (Mokuzo)
64 Hingan House Roof (Nanpu)
66 Hingan House Wall (Mokuzo)
63 Hingan Watchtower (Nanpu)
69 Paper Partition
60 Bar Counter
60 Bar Stool
60 Trouser Hanger
55 Steppe Kitchen
72 Deepgold Axe
72 Deepgold Greatsword
54 War Chest
60 Skybuilders' Hammer
60 Skybuilders' Cooking Pot
60 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Hammer
60 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Still
60 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Embroidery Frame
56 Rarefied Dark Chestnut Rod
56 Rarefied Titanium Creasing Knife
58 Rarefied Titanium Mortar
56 Rarefied Titanium Frypan
60 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Pickaxe
60 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Hatchet

Current Prices

Price History

Titan Cross Server Data for Dark Chestnut Lumber on Mana

Anima 630 710 630 630 980 269 800 111,800 114 5/12/23 2:31:29 AM
Asura 1,995 22 1,995 1,995 2,013 -1,096 2,106 32,217 16 6/25/23 2:20:22 PM
Chocobo 510 947 1,057 510 995 389 500 271,816 273 6/4/23 7:24:18 PM
Hades 1,260 165 1,659 1,260 0 0 0 0 0 4/6/23 1:39:20 PM
Ixion 193,190 10 0 193,190 2,586 -192,291 183,000 289,700 112 2/22/23 4:39:21 PM
Masamune 882 1,108 882 893 831 17 777 14,961 18 6/11/23 1:44:57 AM
Pandaemonium 1,575 241 1,890 1,575 1,669 -676 1,505 65,098 39 6/15/22 8:22:18 PM
Titan 840 752 840 940 899 59 900 95,300 106 6/26/23 9:57:35 AM