Wyvern Leather

Server: Titan

Last Updated: 6/15/22 1:48:33 PM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

228 840 1,050 840 800 800 200,000 250 0.90

Level 52 Leatherworker Recipe for Wyvern Leather

Earth Crystal 3 12 36 6/16/22 4:06:21 AM
Wyvern Skin 3 213 639 6/16/22 8:53:18 AM
Coerthan Tea Leaves 1 265 265 6/15/22 8:16:25 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 940

Profit/Loss Normal = -938

Profit/Loss HQ = 560

53 Mythrite Flametongue
53 Mythrite Jamadhars
53 Mythrite Labrys
52 Holy Cedar Composite Bow
53 Mythrite Stilettos
53 Mythrite Zweihander
52 Wyvernskin Grimoire
52 Wyvernskin Codex
53 Wyvernskin Mane of Fending
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Fending
52 Wyvernskin Gloves of Fending
52 Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Fending
55 Dhalmelskin Breeches of Fending
53 Wyvernskin Boots of Fending
53 Wyvernskin Pot Helm of Maiming
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Maiming
52 Wyvernskin Gloves of Maiming
52 Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Maiming
55 Dhalmelskin Breeches of Maiming
53 Wyvernskin Boots of Maiming
53 Wyvernskin Eyepatch of Striking
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Striking
52 Wyvernskin Gloves of Striking
52 Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Striking
53 Wyvernskin Boots of Striking
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Aiming
52 Wyvernskin Cuffs of Aiming
52 Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Aiming
53 Wyvernskin Boots of Aiming
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Scouting
52 Wyvernskin Cuffs of Scouting
52 Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Scouting
53 Wyvernskin Boots of Scouting
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Healing
52 Wyvernskin Gloves of Healing
52 Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Healing
53 Wyvernskin Boots of Healing
53 Wyvernskin Mask of Casting
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Casting
52 Wyvernskin Gloves of Casting
52 Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Casting
53 Wyvernskin Boots of Casting
52 Mythrite Bracelet of Fending
52 Mythrite Bracelet of Slaying
52 Mythrite Bracelet of Aiming
52 Mythrite Bracelet of Healing
52 Mythrite Bracelet of Casting
53 Mythrite File
54 Holy Rainbow Bottoms
56 Dhalmelskin Shoes
53 Holy Rainbow Hat
54 Wyvernskin Jerkin
53 Holy Rainbow Work Gloves
55 Dhalmelskin Gloves
54 Wyvernskin Culottes
53 Wyvernskin Workboots
56 Dhalmelskin Fringe Boots
54 Wyvernskin Choker
53 Wyvernskin Wristbands
53 Wyvernskin Ring
54 Rarefied Wyvernskin Mask
54 Rarefied Holy Rainbow Hat

Current Prices

Price History

Titan Cross Server Data for Wyvern Leather on Mana

Anima 2,100 22 2,310 2,100 1,834 -1,300 1,995 56,855 31 2/26/23 9:01:21 PM
Asura 1,785 99 1,995 1,785 1,527 -985 1,500 90,100 59 6/15/22 1:18:21 PM
Chocobo 943 1,008 1,575 943 868 -143 895 11,295 13 2/26/23 11:45:46 AM
Hades 1,155 182 1,670 1,155 1,200 -355 1,200 30,000 25 6/15/22 1:05:03 PM
Ixion 1,473 242 1,785 1,473 1,225 -673 1,480 89,493 73 2/26/23 9:51:41 AM
Masamune 1,449 503 0 1,449 1,347 -649 1,600 55,238 41 2/24/23 2:37:19 PM
Pandaemonium 1,050 342 3,150 1,050 917 -250 900 10,090 11 2/28/23 2:59:46 PM
Titan 840 228 1,050 840 800 -40 800 200,000 250 6/15/22 1:48:33 PM