Titanium Nugget

Server: Titan

Last Updated: 6/13/22 10:34:10 PM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

991 630 1,050 630 709 600 102,209 144 6.90

Level 54 Blacksmith Recipe for Titanium Nugget

Titanium Ore 5 294 1,470 2/25/23 1:04:10 PM
Iron Ore 1 21 21 5/25/23 7:27:11 AM
Grenade Ash 1 137 137 6/11/22 9:19:35 PM
Fire Crystal 4 34 136 6/15/22 2:16:31 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,764

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,014

Profit/Loss HQ = -884

Level 54 Armorer Recipe for Titanium Nugget

Titanium Ore 5 294 1,470 2/25/23 1:04:10 PM
Iron Ore 1 21 21 5/25/23 7:27:11 AM
Grenade Ash 1 137 137 6/11/22 9:19:35 PM
Ice Crystal 4 35 140 6/15/22 10:50:04 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,768

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,018

Profit/Loss HQ = -888

60 Highland Cottage Roof (Stone)
60 Highland House Roof (Stone)
60 Highland Mansion Roof (Stone)
60 Highland Cottage Wall (Stone)
60 Highland House Wall (Stone)
60 Highland Mansion Wall (Stone)
60 Highland Wooden Door
60 Highland Ornate Door
60 Highland Classical Door
60 Deluxe Highland Pendant Lamp
60 Highland Composite Chimney
60 Highland Rounded Chimney
60 Highland Stone Chimney
60 Highland Stone Awning
60 Highland Placard
60 Highland Hanging Placard
60 Highland Banner
55 Company Escutcheon
54 Titanium Bastard Sword
54 Titanium Jamadhars
54 Titanium Axe
54 Titanium Lance
54 Dark Chestnut Longbow
54 Titanium Pugiones
54 Titanium Claymore
54 Titanium-barreled Arquebus
55 Hardsilver Star Globe
55 Titanium Kite Shield
54 Titanium Mask of Fending
55 Titanium Mail of Fending
55 Titanium Gauntlets of Fending
55 Titanium Sollerets of Fending
54 Titanium Sallet of Maiming
55 Titanium Cuirass of Maiming
55 Titanium Mitt Gauntlets of Maiming
55 Titanium Sabatons of Maiming
54 Titanium Mask of Striking
55 Dhalmelskin Jacket of Striking
55 Dhalmelskin Leggings of Striking
54 Titanium Mask of Aiming
55 Dhalmelskin Jacket of Aiming
55 Dhalmelskin Leggings of Aiming
54 Titanium Mask of Scouting
55 Dhalmelskin Jacket of Scouting
55 Dhalmelskin Leggings of Scouting
55 Titanium Cross-pein Hammer
55 Titanium Ball-pein Hammer
55 Titanium Creasing Knife
54 Titanium Frypan
55 Hardsilver Dolabra
55 Titanium Hatchet
56 Titanium Claw Hammer
56 Titanium File
56 Titanium Pliers
56 Titanium Awl
56 Titanium Mortar
56 Titanium Culinary Knife
56 Titanium Sledgehammer
56 Titanium Scythe
56 Titanium Ingot
56 Titanium Ingot
54 Titanium Rivets
54 Titanium Rivets
60 Titanium Alloy Square
60 Sky Pirate's Boots of Fending
60 Sky Pirate's Boots of Maiming
60 Sky Pirate's Jacket of Striking
60 Sky Pirate's Gloves of Striking
60 Sky Pirate's Trousers of Striking
60 Sky Pirate's Boots of Striking
60 Sky Pirate's Jacket of Scouting
60 Sky Pirate's Gloves of Scouting
60 Sky Pirate's Trousers of Scouting
60 Sky Pirate's Boots of Scouting
60 Titanium Alloy Ingot
60 Expeditioner's Coat
60 Expeditioner's Tabard
60 Survival Halfslops
55 Ramie Poncho
55 Fur-lined Dhalmelskin Boots
61 High Steel Headsman's Axe
61 High Steel Guillotine
61 High Steel Hoplon
63 High Steel Uchigatana
63 Koppranickel Rapier
54 Titanium Uchigatana
54 Hardsilver Rapier
56 Hardsilver Foil
63 Kotetsu Replica
76 Titanbronze Kilij
76 Titanbronze Fists
76 Sandteak Fauchard
76 Sandteak Longbow
76 Titanbronze Musketoon
76 Titanbronze Bayonet
76 Titanbronze Chakrams
77 Zonureskin Coat of Fending
77 Zonureskin Caligae of Fending
77 Zonureskin Coat of Maiming
77 Zonureskin Caligae of Maiming
76 Zonureskin Caligae of Striking
76 Zonureskin Fingerless Gloves of Scouting
76 Zonureskin Fingerless Gloves of Casting
54 Hunting Supplies
60 Skybuilders' Barrel
60 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Grindstone
56 Rarefied Titanium Creasing Knife
58 Rarefied Titanium Mortar
62 Rarefied High Steel Guillotine
56 Rarefied Titanium Frypan
60 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Grinding Wheel
60 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Spinning Wheel

Current Prices

Price History

Titan Cross Server Data for Titanium Nugget on Mana

Anima 552 2,020 952 552 785 157 698 259,116 330 6/13/22 11:21:09 PM
Asura 420 1,120 420 519 496 289 480 22,830 46 2/22/23 11:32:29 PM
Chocobo 523 891 525 523 513 186 400 164,294 320 6/13/22 10:40:14 PM
Hades 882 1,042 2,625 882 893 -173 844 397,584 445 6/13/22 9:59:35 PM
Ixion 479 1,108 557 479 462 230 450 6,010 13 2/19/23 12:47:18 PM
Masamune 418 927 420 418 429 291 400 190,932 445 2/27/23 4:44:05 PM
Pandaemonium 552 5,737 893 552 599 157 599 82,729 138 9/13/23 10:41:21 AM
Titan 630 991 1,050 630 709 79 600 102,209 144 6/13/22 10:34:10 PM